Monday, April 30, 2012

Bald is Beautiful

This is a post I read on another blog that I follow called,  , it is a wonderful blog that I would totally recommend following. Anyway, I came across this beautiful post about a woman who is bald. Please read it, it is a great message.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Grace- Branson Bliss/Day 2

This is actually day two of my Branson vacation, but why in the world would someone take the time to blog on the 1st day of vacation? Absolutely crazy!

I will fill you in on what happened though. We didn't end up leaving the house until around 2:30, but that's fine. When I was younger I used to be super overly freaked out about leaving the house on time, but since I have grown wiser, and now I take things more in stride.

We had a lovely drive in the afternoon sunshine, the Ozark hills were looking their absolute best and most beautiful. We drove directly past the tornado devastation, pretty horrible stuff, I am glad it wasn't worse.

We arrived at our lovely condo and rode up the elevator (the extremely tight, claustrophobic elevator) to the 4th floor. The layout is lovely, and I am considering kidnapping the furniture and bringing it home with me. I am not thrilled about the colors, but the comfort level is lovely.

The 1st evening we just spent getting settled in and watching cable. DISNEY CHANNEL! ;) We also watched the food network. Later after dinner we went out for an evening drive around Branson. All was lovely until I looked to my right and saw a spider about the size of a quarter sitting next to me on the window.

But did I scream a bloodcurdling scream and give myself up for dead? No, this future Amazon and South American continent trekking young woman (hopefully) calmly grabbed a tissue and swiped the spider right up. Voila!

This morning I am sitting on the couch enjoying my purple toenails and looking forward to a few hours at Silver Dollar City, WORLDFEST HERE I COME!

I miss you all! XOXO

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lydia, Poem

This is a great poem that I read in my Themes in Literature book.  My mom and I always crack up at the end of the poem. I really like the poem because it is so true!

                                                      Of the Vanity of Earthly Greatness

The tusks that clashed in mighty brawls
Of mastodons, are billiard balls.

The sword of Charlemagne the Just
Is ferric oxide, known as rust.

The grizzly bear whose potent hug
Was feared by all, is now a rug.

Great Caesars dead and on the shelf,
And I don’t feel so well myself.

               ~Arthur Guiterman