Hey girls! Here are some questions, read them and see if here are any you desire to anwser.
1. How do you feel about Ministry? (I am meaning missionary)
2.What do you think of when you think of the American Church?
3.How many times do you read the bible everyday, and when you do, do you ask God to speak to you and help you see His truth? Why or why not?
4.Would you agree with this saying and how does it make you feel: "A relationship with God is Self-denial not self affirmation"?
5.What is your favorite verse or passage?
6.What would the world most benefit from if "it" were destroyed and don't say "Sin"?
(Answer first, be specific, and then consider: This could have something to do with God's plan for you)
7. How would you discribe what God has done with your life and heart so far?
8.Do you beleive that God is in control of everything, even salvation?
9.Would you die so someone else could live even if you don't know how fruitful or long their life will be?
10.What is your ultimate desire? Does it have anything to do with God's Will?
Just some questions off the top of my head. ANYONE CAN ANWSER!
If there are six questions answered I will answer every one.
(BY: Rebekah (farr))
ReplyDelete1. Missionary. Well, I believe there is a definite place for people in the mission field. But I also feel that many people hold missionaries up almost as idols, thinking that the only way to serve God is to give their entire life and minds to preaching the gospel in a faraway place. And sadly they often leave their own families to the wayside, so that their own fortress at home crumble to the ground. I believe that God calls certain people to be missionaries, but that sometimes it looks differently or takes longer than they think it will.
ReplyDelete2. The American church. Distractions, Pharisees. I either see people that are compromising their values in order to draw messed up people in, or people that are following rules and regulations. I think of people that are not fully reaching out to the widows and the orphans. But I also think of a small but growing group of people that don't feel satisfied, that are longing and reaching for a deeper relationship with God. I see myself, my family, and many of my friends and people that I admire in that group.
3. I read the Bible once a day. I sometimes bring it out more than once if I want to look up a verse for my blog. I don't always ask God to show me something, I usually do that before I go to sleep. I do feel that He reveals Himself in many ways throughout my day. Mama also does morning devotions with us, and I learn a ton during that period.
6. Greed, a selfishness. So many evil and cruel things are done out of greed.
7. I believe that God has taken me from a place of feeling out of control and scared, when my family was in a great upheaval, I feel like God just told me to trust Him. In the last few years I have felt Him gently guiding into a greater understanding of how He has a plan for me, and how I need to keep coming to Him for help, and guidance. And recently He renewed a promise to me that I need to keep coming to Him in prayer. I need to keep knocking, He is listening. Prayer has become a powerful part of my life.
9. I am not sure. If God told me to die, I think that I would. But I don't necessarily believe that that is always the immediate answer.
10. To do as much as I can for the glory of God during my life. To work hard at making lasting and strong relationships, to be faithful in small and unexciting things, and to live life as an adventure sent from God.
That's really cool Grace. I like all of your anwsers.. I do have a question about your answer to 2. Don't you think that we are going to be in that stage of "longing and desiring for a deeper relationship with God and not completely being satisfied" until we come to glory? And number One. Jesus called people out of their homes, out of their families, he even specifically told one of the desciples to "leave the dead to bury their dead", so I would just tell you to be careful that you don't put guidlines on God. I don't think you were doing that but He may ask people to do just that for the feild.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should have said if atleast two people answer I would answer them all... ha. WELL here go's.
1. I love everything about it. But I do feel like it has been a little bit fenced in, we can do missionary work all around us, God know where you're going and will use you where ever you go, if it's some neighbor or you teacher, or FRIEND :) missionary work doesn't have to be far away.
2. The American church is hurting, I agree with everything you said Grace espcailly Distractions and pulling in non-beleivers. The church is not made of unbeleivers! Neither should services, Paul talks about how "Nonbeleiver should feel all conviction", we shouldn't be so focused on making people that come into the church "comfortable". We focus to much on that moment of salvation (Which is another interesting discusion) instead of the whole flock, growing and reaching a deeper relationship like Grace said. Preaching the Gospel does not mean just to the believers, it does not mean every sunday you get up there and read John 3:16 and save thirty people. The whole bible preaches the gospel and Christians need it more than nonbeleivers.
3. I really try to read it twice a day, at morning and at night, just so I stay rooted in the trth, and if I spend the morning at my Lord's feet I tend to have a much better day. I do pray that. SO I do not Get my own ideas from the bible but let the spirit teach me. Not that it is complitly necessary.
4. Yes I do, and I love it, it makes me feel hopeful somehow.
5 & 7. Psalm 119:41-48
"May your unfailing Love come to me Oh, LORD, your salvation according to your promise. Then I will be able to answer anyone who taunts me becuase I trust in your word. Never take your word of truth from my mouth for I have put my hope in your laws. I will obey your law forever and ever. I will walk about in freedom for I have saught out your precepts. I will speak of yout statutes before Kings and I will not be put to shame, For I delight in your commands because I love them. I reach out for your commands, which I love, that I may meditate on your decrees."
6. Religion. Not that I would want choose out obviously, just if everyone knew the one True God and either rejected Him, or accepted Him.
8. I forgot about this one. Yep. But it's a hard question becuase the Lord definitly gave us chose but I do beleive ultimatly He is in control, there are things He allows but He's still in control.
9.(It is implied that it's something God asked you to do) Yes.
10. To do anything and everything God has called me to do according to His Truth.
I agree with almost all of that. As to the deeper longing thing, I think that we will have some of that for the rest of our lives. However, just like in the Chronicles of Narnia the children from our world now and then get rare glances of how truly majestic and beautiful Aslan is, so I believe we can do. Opening our hearts and eyes to God, and asking to see Him will open doors and windows to a whole new relationship. Something that we might not get to see if we don't ask. God will reveal Himself, but He likes it when we come to Him and ask specifically. And I believe that we miss out when we don't come to Him.
ReplyDeleteMissionaries. I don't entirely agree with you on that point Rebekah. We recently read that portion of scripture in Luke. When Jesus said that particular part about, "leaving the dead to bury the dead", I don't think that He was saying that they had to entirely drop their lives. When Jesus said that He was speaking to a specific 70 men whom He had called to go out before Him and prepare villages and towns for His coming. These were not all of His regular disciples, and some of them went home after they had finished the work given to them.
Basically I am saying this. The verse, "Go unto all of the nations and preach the gospel" is not the only verse in the Bible. There are other ones later on in the New Testament where Peter and Paul both comment on the importance of a man providing for his family, loving and taking care of his wife, and raising his children. I totally believe that God calls people out of comfortable lives to do His bidding, but I think that many times people are overeager to rush out and do, "God's work". So eager that they forget their own precious families and little ones, and leave them behind. If you research you will find that many, many missionary kids have fallen into darkness because they were left to the wayside by their parents.
If this is the case? How can we send strong and able people out from HQ to the mission field? If our soldiers at home are in rebellion how can they fight the battles of their Lord? It will take time, and steps. Sometimes being a missionary can sound more exciting than just being a good mother and wife, but that doesn't make it more important.
And I totally agree with you that we should be missionaries wherever we go. At home, at school (orchestra), at church, in the store. Our life is a mission field. Let's be willing to be planted wherever God puts us, whether it is in Asia, New York city slums, or a suburb in a little town in Missouri.
And that was exactly what I was saying, Grace. That we can be missionaries every where God puts us, but like you said, it looks different for different people, sometimes it's a move to Africa, sometimes it's just on your own home. We are both in agreement except on one thing, whether Jesus did/did not call people to "drop their whole lives".
ReplyDeleteAll through the new testament Jesus asks people to drop things that are important to them. And I think that he very much meant to completely leave their family for the time being and come with him. What else could he mean when the disciple specifically said "one second Jesus, I have to go take care of a family matter" and he says "no, leave it alone and follow me. Now like you said they returned to their families which was obviously God's plan. And also I believe that God had been preparing those specific people and their families for this.
When you said "Go unto all of the nations and preach the gospel" is not the only verse in the bible, it sounded like you were saying we shouldn't obey all of God's commands. If you were reading the Ten Commandments and you said to yourself, "well God did say "thou shalt not kill" but he also tells us to do lots of other stuff, so maybe that command wasn't for everyone." you would be beleiving a lie. Just because you are going into you own home at this point of your life, or into your own community, (which is part of the world) doesn't mean you aren't obeying God's commands fully. And I think we agree on that. I also think you agree that missionary work looks different for everyone, even to the point of giving their lives completely up to go in God's direction, does that take prayer, yes. Is it going to go against God's word? No. That was my point.