Sunday, September 18, 2011

Celina, The Story

Ok here goes I am hoping to do as well as you guys did

What happened last-
"On the grounds of what I see. I see some one who never stops to pay attention to anyone but herself, and has not once had any interest in anything other than material things. That is what I see sir. What do you see that is so valuable in this Princess?" the noble did not respond. "Upon mine honor as a peasant, I apologize if I offended you sir. But I will not make saints of any noble." Said the cocky boy, and he turned walked away.

"Wait!" The noble reached out toward Terrence. "Could you tell me how to find a family by the name of.......

Smith? "ahh Smith?" there are about a million Smith's in this city!" said the red head boy.
"Oh, well I was told that I would find a certain Mr. Aleap Smith. He owns a shop in the market I believe."

"OHHH Mr. Aleap Smith! What are you doing wanting to talk to him?"

"Well I was told to find him as soon as I arrived here you see I am from out of town. But that is none of your business you are just to answer the questions."

"True you business is no business of mine. Well in answer to your questions; yes I know of him, and yes he has a shop in the market, if you can even call it a shop. It is about the fifth shop down and the only thing you can find there is a bizarre jumble of books and things that no one would ever need."

"I thank you! Oh and one more thing do you know if the Princess comes here often?"

"Yes she does, but only come to lessen if you are wiling to spend hours standing. But of course you would not care about that would you?" Walking off the Noble man glares at the boy and then turns and heads straight towards the market, to look for who know what at the old pawn shop.

After following the boy at almost a breakneck pace for what seemed like at least a hour, the boy finally stopped in front of Katharine's family's shop.

"SEE!" Said the small boy.

"See what?" asked a very confused Kathrine.

"I washed the windows!"

Just then Kathrine's mother walked out "Oh Kathrine I see you met our new apprentice!"

"Yes I did mother, he dragged me all across the town at a breakneck pace, just to show me that he cleaned the windows!"

"Oh Samuel! I told you to clean the windows and then fetch Kathrine, not half kill her!"

"Oh, Sorry mam I was trying to fetch her as soon as possible like you told me." the boy looked at his feet.

"Oh well, that is ok dear just be a little gentler fetching her next time" She smiled kindly at the young boy. "Well any way, you are here now Kathrine, I wanted to tell you that the Princess has ordered that we send some one to the castle tomorrow to get some new shoes made for her. With you Father away buying more materials you will have to go."

"ME! Mother I am not sure that I am ready for that task! What if the Princess is displeased with the shoes I make for her!"

"Yes I know dear you will have to be vary careful with what you say to her. But I believe that you can do it."

"Yes mother, I will do it if you wish me to."

"Yes I do dear."

"OH can I come with you too? I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the castle!" Pipped up the young Samuel

THERE! hopefully that is long enough! I think that it is Lydia's turn next. :)

"Yes I know him


  1. That was a really good transition Celina! But just a friendly reminder, When you change character's, using quotations, you should always start a new paragraph. For example:

    Jane smiled "Yes mother, I will do that. but," Jane picked up the long silvery dress, "I will need to make some changes."

    "Do whatever you wish dear." Her mother said chuckling.

    Do you see how I went down as her mother talked, but not every time I used quotations (but," ... "I will need to make a few..")

  2. Great job Celina!!! We needed some humor :D

  3. ok I am not sure why but at the very bottom it looks like someone said "Yes I know him" and that is not part of the story but when I went to edit it out it did not show up to edit out so, sorry about that. :) oh and thanks for the tip Becka I went back and fixed it all I think

  4. That's weird that that little chunk is there. Great job Celina. But for poor Katherine's sake I hope they leave Samuel at home.

  5. Aw, I was trying to make Terrence funny (he's not supposed to be serious)
