Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Story

Man, you guys are really good at making endings where the writer has to be super creative. We ended here:

“Are you Katherine?” He said in a shaky voice.
“I am,” she replied,
“Good, you must come with me, and quick! There is no time to lose!!” The boy almost shouted, and then ran back, his arm outstretched, beckoning her to follow.
“But what is wrong?”
The boy didn’t answer, but only continued running…

Katherine, for a moment forgetting the troubling things the trader had told her, went after the boy as quickly as a girl can in a dress. She did not want to make things worse in what she perceived to be a delicate situation. A little worried, she caught up with the boy, who thankfully had stopped running quite as fast when he saw she was following.

Meanwhile a very handsome young man yawned as he watched the haughty princess sing the thirteenth song for the mid-day. "How she can manage to keep a crowd spell-bound for three hours like this, especially when we're all standing, is beyond me." He whispered to himself.

"It might possibly be the shining kindness she shows the servants that have been holding her royal chair up these past hours, or maybe the enchanting moral importance of her songs. Oh, that's definitely it!" A peasant by the name of Terrence was standing next to the young man, he had bright orange hair and many brown freckles on his tall forehead and big nose. Upon seeing him standing next to the tall noble one might notice the comical difference between the dark handsome young man and this scraggly boy on the brink of puberty.

The noble, to be named later, jumped in surprise upon hearing the squeaky voice, and had to restrain from jumping another time upon coming inches from Terrence's greasy hair. Looking down at Terrence's face the noble frowned as he remembered the boy's words, at the same time hearing the loud and beautiful voice of Princess Fern's emotionally singing:

"My heart is offered still unto thee.
Full now of woe and deep despairing,
Say one farewell my love,
I had not time to gain thy kiss."

A laugh broke the awed fixation of the crowd and the noble's cheeks flamed red as every eye turned on him in shock, or frustration.

"Well thank you sir," Terrence said shaking the nobles hand, "For relieving me, and all of these beautiful people, of the spell of Princess Fern. Now, if you don't mind, I have to talk to a man about a fish." The grinning Terrence turned toward a random man in the crowd, "that man actually!" He said pointing, and the bald trader turned a shaking finger at his chest and mouthed the word 'Me?' to which Terrence replied with a grin and whispered to the noble before stalking away, "I am glad to find you have a sense of humor after all, for a moment there I wasn't sure about you."

Across the court sat Princess Fern who was also red, but her blush was derived from a very different feeling than embarrassment, Full out, I could scream, anger. She looked at not at the noble, for which the laugh had come forth, but at the carrot-top, grinning boy. For Princess Fern had many but stupidity was not one of her faults. She took one long ragged breath, preparing for the justice to be delivered to the one who would dare make sport of her gift, yet a calm cold hand was placed on her arm as a warning. the Princess looked savagely at her mother who had come out of nowhere and closed her mouth.

"You don't want you people to think poorly of their future queen because of some silly peasant's joke, would you?" whispered the Queen. Waving a hand at the Servants who diligently held up the princess, the queen disappeared. An angry, but not quite, Princess made her way home and vowed to later pour out her wrath on some poor servant. The princess left a shocked crowd that slowly and disappointingly went back to their everyday market-day, sometimes glaring at the dark noble who still stood rooted to his spot.

Terrence was the one to finally bring the noble back to this world. "Well don't just stand there, you wanted her to stop too didn't you? You can't say she's the most charming little thing, despite all her dazzling qualities." He said whimsically.

"Don't speak of Princess Fern like that! You are nothing but a fool." said the dignified noble and looking at Terrence's raised eyebrow he stated loyally, "She was many good qualities!"

"Oh?" Said Terrence, quite enjoying the offensive manner of the noble. "Pardon me good sir! I didn't quite look at the princess as intently as you," The noble blushed. "If you could kindly fill me in on these, uh, qualities."

There was quite a pause as the prince tried to think of something that would impress and prove wrong this brash young man finally he said, "well I don't know her very well. But I am sure that neither do you and therefore on what grounds sir do you have to says such things about you future queen?"

"On the grounds of what I see. I see some one who never stops to pay attention to anyone but herself, and has not once had any interest in anything other than material things. That is what I see sir. What do you see that is so valuable in this Princess?" the noble did not respond. "Upon mine honor as a peasant, I apologize if I offended you sir. But I will not make saints of any noble." Said the cocky boy, and he turned walked away.

"Wait!" The noble reached out toward Terrence. "Could you tell me how to find a family by the name of.......

Celina! It's Your turn!


  1. Woohoo!! This story is getting bigger and better! Wonderful Rebekah!!

  2. Ooh, the plot thickens. Well done Rebekah!

  3. Good job beka! lets see what I can do :)
