Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little bit scary, A little bit tiring, A lot'a bit cool!

So as you all know we have bought a house by the lake! We have been working on it all of this month. We are getting to the end of it, but it was TIRING! We had to take wall paper off of almost all the walls, and most of the walls had two even three layers of wall paper! We almost have it all painted. We have picked out most of the furniture except a few little things and a bunk bed. The cool part is that when we get it looking all nice we get it rent it out! So I might get to be paid to clean it after each person leaves. It will just be like a vacation home for families or couples. The H's have been helping us along with Olivia's Family. So a couple of times I have got to baby-sit the H's while there parents go work at the lake house! Well I hope you all can make sense of this scatterbrained little thing, but oh well!


  1. I can, but that's because I know you. I know how that feels my dear, welcome to my life 4 years ago. Well, actually it started 6 years ago and just kept going on for 2-3 years. I have pulled nails, taken off wallpaper, painted, put in flooring, put wall studs in place, and almost everything else. It's an adventure for sure. But I might not mind doing it again someday, because the feeling you get when you look at a beautiful complete house that you fixed, it's unbelievable.

  2. Soooo can't wait to see it CC!! :)

  3. Yes i know it is really coming together. and looking nice
