Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Grace- Modesty Survey

Hi gals!

I am guessing that most of you have heard of the Rebelution blog. If you have not, well, then you just must still be living in the Stone Age. ;) JK

Several years ago they ran a modesty survey where girls submitted questions about what guys thought was modest. Then the guys responded.

The results are just incredible, and encouraging! These responses came from guys that were schooled in different ways, have different church backgrounds, and were different ages.

Sometimes we gals who try to dress modestly can get discouraged. I mean, do people really notice that we are trying to be appropriate? Do they even care?

Oh yes they do! In fact, most of the answers point to the fact that guys respect a modest girl more than an immodest one, and that they totally appreciate their Sisters in Christ who try to make it easier for them to walk in a godly way.

But maybe you have more specific questions about modesty. What do guys think of perfume? How about jeans? Is there a specific attitude that they find distracting and improper?

Just about any question you have, it's there. Go ahead and read!


  1. Uh, I read this, it was so cool. When they talked about how even a certain way you put your body (laying on the ground) can be a downfall, I'd never really thought of that.

  2. Yeah, it almost freaked me out some of the things that they said. It made me realize just how careful we have to be. But I also appreciate their honesty, and what they had to say about modest girls. It is encouraging.
