Sunday, November 27, 2011

Celina, Yeah, Yeah

Ok So I haven't posted in a while and I would love to change that! SOOOO I now have to think of something to post about.
Ok so first a random fact!! More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines. I Say NO MORE VENDING MACHINES! less people would die it would be an all over healthier place! :) :) :).
Next a Christmas candy idea-
Take a waffle pretzel you can get them at like walmart :) and then put a chocolate kiss on top of it and stick it in the oven until the kiss is a melted but it is still holding its shape. Then take and M&M (Christmas colors are neat) and stick it on top of the kiss. It's as easy as that! We have made those for FOREVER we just make a whole pan full and it is fun cause you can do it with younger kids too!
Next a praise-
Buddy-Boy SOLD! a sweet lady is taking him around Christmas time. She renamed him Duncan so I will have to get used to calling him that :)
Next a prayer-
I would love it if you guys would pray that I would learn to get my school done in a timely manner and not procrastinate
Next a book series-
Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson. I think that this is my favorite book series I just finished reading them for the second time and they are the kinda books that even the second time that I read them I am like WOW these are GOOD books they are funny and they are different and they have parts that made me cry (even the second time that I have read them)
Next a thought- What would happen if all of God's people CARED!?!?! and actually did something about the sadness and sin in the world!?!?!?!?
Next a word- Love an amazing thing! It is what I feel for all of you girls!


  1. Yay! Thanks for posting Celina and that is great about Buddy Bo..I mean Duncan! Did you sell him for the price you wanted?

  2. Yeah Celina! It's so exciting that Buddyboy will have a good home. How come she chose him?

  3. Lydia, haha I know I have trouble remembering his name:). Yes I sold him for $600
    Grace, I think that she wanted a boy and he was the only one that I had for sale. But she chose him out of all the other puppies that are for sale because of how cute his face is :)

  4. Aww! Awesome! Are you sad/glad? And I prayed for you today and will continue! I put it on my prayer list.

  5. By the way, how in the world do you get killed by a vending machine?
