Monday, November 28, 2011

Lydia, more pictures :)

Hollyhocks that I planted in our yard
Marigolds in our garden

Here are some nature pictures I took.
Rose by our house

flowers on our deck

My mother's butterfly garden

In our backyard

Nathaniel Green Park

Robin's eggs

Vacation at Yellowstone



  1. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Girl you are a GOOD nature photographer! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your welcome! I can't wait to see you today! I am sick though :(. No fun. But I don't have to go to Miss Christina's (she is sick too). So we will have the whole day together. And don't worry about Square Dancing, I think mom will let me go, remember my favorite saying made up by me: "Don't Cross your fingers! Fold your hands." :). Love you and thanks for the compliment!

  3. I am sorry you are sick. This photos are gorgeous! You are really getting to be good with a camera.
