Monday, April 22, 2013

(Celina) Bible Study/ verse of the day

For my Bible study ever day, I read a chapter in the Bible.  I skip around a LOT but right now I am reading through Matthew.  I also have a little bible study book that is called God, Girls, and Getting Connected.  The bible studies themselves I don't really enjoy, they are not very long and aren't quite as bible oriented as I would want for my daily study.  But everyday they have a verse that they use in the study.  The verses are always good and ones that I would like to have memorized.  After I read the verse I try to find some sort of picture online that I could use to help me remember the verse, or just some sort of visual to use as the background of the verse.  I will open that picture in "paint" and type the verse over the top of it, then I will use that verse as the background on my computer all that day.  It is a fun way to help me remember the verse, because I am reading it, thinking about it to try and find some visual to go along with it, typing it out, and looking at it multiple times all day long- here is today's verse. 

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