Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter poem


He came to earth as a tiny child,
His mother looked down at Him and smiled.
He grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and men.
His mother not knowing he would latter pay the price for all our sin.
He talked to the people, both young and old.
God loves all of you, He retold.
Some listened, others scoffed,
Some agreed and some mocked.

Then one day to a cross He was nailed,
The people cried, the people wailed.
He was whipped, beaten and crucified.
He said, “It is finished” before he died.
Darkest day, darkest hour,
All light and love seemed to be devoured.
He was put in a tomb with soldiers at guard
It had been three days since the tomb had been barred.

Three women came softly to the tomb,
They brought rich spices and sweet perfume.
But the man who had died was not there!
The women searched, but could not find Him anywhere.
Suddenly, a glowing angel appeared!
He spoke, “Fear not! The man you seek is not here.”
 “He is risen, spread the word, He is alive”
The women could not believe their eyes.
Jesus loves you and me; Jesus died to set us free,
He is the key, to heaven.

written by Lydia Burnett


  1. Whoa, Lydia. This is absolutely beautiful! You have a gift fo SHO! :D

    I had forgotten AAALLL about this blog, thanks for reminding me! :)

  2. Lovely, I have read published poems that are at least as good as this one. You should consider trying to publish a few.
