Anywho, I guess I'll letcha all know what's been going on over here :)
Lately, school has been taking up most of my time. 9th grade turned out to be a whole lot harder than I expected, and my old friend Procrastination keeps making his daily visit. I hope to be done soon though and then get on with summer! OH how I love summer. I tell my friends that the first day I miss summer is the first day it starts. (for those of you's not really suppose to make sense..) My current favorite subject this year nothing. I literally take a big sigh of relief when I finish my last subject for the day...lame right? Ok..I take that back. I'm taking a New Testament class that is pretty cool. Last month was on witnessing to your friends, and at the end I got to write a pretend letter to a friend telling them my testimony and why accepting God is the best choice you'll ever make. It was really eye opening, and made me that more excited to go out and share the gospel.
Lately, school has been taking up most of my time. 9th grade turned out to be a whole lot harder than I expected, and my old friend Procrastination keeps making his daily visit. I hope to be done soon though and then get on with summer! OH how I love summer. I tell my friends that the first day I miss summer is the first day it starts. (for those of you's not really suppose to make sense..) My current favorite subject this year nothing. I literally take a big sigh of relief when I finish my last subject for the day...lame right? Ok..I take that back. I'm taking a New Testament class that is pretty cool. Last month was on witnessing to your friends, and at the end I got to write a pretend letter to a friend telling them my testimony and why accepting God is the best choice you'll ever make. It was really eye opening, and made me that more excited to go out and share the gospel.
I've also been doing a lot of music. Piano that is. I FINALLY got past the "Piano is something I have to do" stage and now I'm like "PLEASE. MORE. PIANO. LESS. SCHOOL." Or just music in general. I will never be able to thank God enough for giving us music. It is endless in it's power...I It leaves me speechless. I mean, how in the world can you make such...such huge SOMETHING out of pretty much nothing?! Take a few lines...a few million sounds and make...pure perfection. It's really breathtaking. I don't even have words! Yet I'm still rambling making no sense.. that's how music impacts me. It speaks a million voices when I can't say a word. God is so amazing. He's given us SO many powerful tools to share His CRAZY STINKING AMAZING love that we will NEVER understand. EVER. Sometimes when I am upset, or so in love (with God, nature, my life..whatevs) but I don't know how to voice it, I'll sit down at the piano and just play whatever comes to mind. I heard a quote once that says:
OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T forget to tell you all! I FINALLY got my permit!! I love driving SO much. Ask my parents..anytime I have the chance, they always hear a "can I drive?!?" from me.. :) No worries, no speeding from this chic for a while. I've actually been hearing quite a few "honey, you can go a lot faster.." from my mom and dad. I have a hard time keeping up with the speed minimum some times. Haha! Oh well.. I'll get there soon :)
From January through early March-ish I got to help coach a girls basketball team chuck full of kindergartners. Talk about craziness. It was a lot of fun at times. I dont regret doing it, but I have to say that after Thursday night practices I would crash on the couch out of pure exhaustion. 9 girls, anywhere from ages 5 to 7. Bows, ribbons, ruffle socks and LOTS of band-aids and water breaks. It was hard keeping an eye on a bunch of chaotic girls for an hour practice and an hour game, but I enjoyed getting minister to them. Little girls are SO impressionable, and I found myself having to watch a lot of the things I did. I can remember being that age, and even a little older and watching teen girls soooo closely. Ever move they made I worshiped. Their hair was always perfect and adorable, and they had SO MANY FREEDOMS! Now I'm like "oh, to be your age again, Beautiful." ;) My lesson out of that, is don't take for granted the age you are at. A lot of times, I wish I were two, even three years older than I am now. And then I watch little kids and remember how quickly life really goes by, and how important the choices I make are.
ANYWAY. I promise I didn't sit down at my laptop to preach at you all. I hope everyone of my beautiful friends is doing amazing. I keep you all in my prayers!
Much love,
God gave us music that we might pray without words.WHOA. That pretty much explains it all. So. Ignore that whole paragraph of rambling...that is pretty much what I was trying to say. :)
OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T forget to tell you all! I FINALLY got my permit!! I love driving SO much. Ask my parents..anytime I have the chance, they always hear a "can I drive?!?" from me.. :) No worries, no speeding from this chic for a while. I've actually been hearing quite a few "honey, you can go a lot faster.." from my mom and dad. I have a hard time keeping up with the speed minimum some times. Haha! Oh well.. I'll get there soon :)
From January through early March-ish I got to help coach a girls basketball team chuck full of kindergartners. Talk about craziness. It was a lot of fun at times. I dont regret doing it, but I have to say that after Thursday night practices I would crash on the couch out of pure exhaustion. 9 girls, anywhere from ages 5 to 7. Bows, ribbons, ruffle socks and LOTS of band-aids and water breaks. It was hard keeping an eye on a bunch of chaotic girls for an hour practice and an hour game, but I enjoyed getting minister to them. Little girls are SO impressionable, and I found myself having to watch a lot of the things I did. I can remember being that age, and even a little older and watching teen girls soooo closely. Ever move they made I worshiped. Their hair was always perfect and adorable, and they had SO MANY FREEDOMS! Now I'm like "oh, to be your age again, Beautiful." ;) My lesson out of that, is don't take for granted the age you are at. A lot of times, I wish I were two, even three years older than I am now. And then I watch little kids and remember how quickly life really goes by, and how important the choices I make are.
ANYWAY. I promise I didn't sit down at my laptop to preach at you all. I hope everyone of my beautiful friends is doing amazing. I keep you all in my prayers!
Much love,
It's GREAT to hear from you jess!! I am still in the "piano is something I have to do stage" I am waiting for the next "stage" to come along ;).
I MISS you all soooo much! Mind if I move down? haha:) OH BELIEVE ME. I JUST got past took me a long time -.- and even still I get frustrated. But keep going! :)
DeleteLove and miss you soooo much :)
I totally understand about the music! It is so powerful!