Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grace- Blogging Ideas and Phobias

Okay, I might have been a little too blunt about the writing, but I was speaking from my heart. Now we have the issue of, "WHAT DO WE WRITE?"

I have faced this before, because I have my own blog http://graciemobile.com/ ,and I often get stuck. But I think that a big problem is that people are afraid of blogging about certain things. Or they think, "Maybe I could, oh, no, no one would want to read that." But it's not true. We don't want to hear every private detail of your personal life, but we don't mind hearing about a new recipe you have discovered, or a new way to use nail polish, the cute purse you got at Wal-Mart, or what the kids you were baby sitting said.

I read another blog that is written for girls. It is an excellent blog, with a pretty good message, but it is almost strictly spiritual. I often crave to read what other girls who are like minded are doing in their normal lives. How they are handling situations, what they are learning, what they sewed or cooked or grew, what books they are reading, how they helped make their sister's birthday special, etc.

Have you ever heard of the Cosby show? I bet you all have, but if not, just ask your parents, they will tell you pretty quick. We love to watch the Cosby show at the G home. It is funny, entertaining, and so real. And one reason that we enjoy it so much, is because they show how real life is humorous and a constant adventure.

God also can speak through you on a blog. I was going to write something Google buzz, I like to write funny and witty things, but this time, I just couldn't think of anything. Then I heard the words to this BarlowGirl song called, "Average Girl" playing in my head. So I typed in the words. After several comments going back in forth between friends about the words the "Average Girl" song and another BG one called, "Clothes" one of my friends commented. She said that the song and the messages we had been discussing had really helped her.

Discussing things that you enjoy is a lovely way to share your personality with people. Celina, you are really good at sharing what you are enjoying presently in your life. Your posts about your lake house and orchestra reflect your enjoyment of life and fun. That is really neat, and I would love to read more about them. When we talk at church, you have lots of neat experiences and funny stories to share. We would love to hear them on here as well.

Jessica, you have a neat way of bringing a message across through a story. Your "parables" and "fairytales" have brought tears to my eyes before. You have an incredible mind and a very neat ability to share it, and I love chatting with you. Though you wouldn't want to share everything that we chat about, a lot of things that you say are really neat and I think that we would all benefit from hearing them.

Lydia, we have shared many conversations whether in person or online that have really built me up and encouraged me. You are wonderful person in that way, and you have a really neat knowledge of music, animals, plants, and many other things. I would love to hear more about these things and I sure the rest of the gals would too.

I don't know if Rebekah is still on here or not, but her posts are challenging and often have a neat message. We would like to hear more.

For any other girls who write on here, we would love lots of posts about your life, your interests, what you are presently doing, your mess-ups and triumphs, bring it on!

When I can't think of what to write, I sit there in think. Or sometimes I don't have to, they just come to me during my everyday life. I might see someone riding a bike, and that makes me think of a special memory I have about an old bike I got years ago(I actually have one), and so I write pieces in my head. Then later, I write them down. Right now I am writing a book like that, bit by bit in my head.

And if you are desperate, picture posts are awesome! That's what I resort to when I can't think of anything else. Examples-

Okay okay, so maybe I am trying to get a little more business for my site, but hey, I am an opportunist. And they are decent examples, right?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! I will try and start up with the writing :). Thanks for encouraging all of us.
