Monday, April 25, 2011

Celina, Funness

I went to my Grandma's house this weekend with my cousins. My grandma has a pond outside of her barn that is ussually just a puddle but with all of the rain that we have been having it was more full, and VERY muddy. So my aunt was painting my my cousins toenails when my cousin said "I should just go jump in that pond. no just kiding"" My aunt said "I would pay you 5 dollars if you went and jumped in that pond." my cousin said "No I wouldn't do it for just five dollars" My aunt said "would you do it for ten?" My cousin said " Yeah!" My aunt said "yeah right" My cousin said "well I would do it if Celina did it. Would you do it with me Celina I would split the $10 with you."
I said that I would My aunt said that we would NEVER do it. we went out there and did it. my aunt paid us and said that My cousin would have NEVER done it if I wasn't there. It was fun.


  1. Haha! How fun! Yesterday evening at my grandparent's house, it was raining really hard and almost all of my cousins and I went out and got soaked! Sooo fun!!! I LOVE rain :)

  2. Did you change your clothes first? :) Yes, I am thoroughly feminine.

  3. Yuck! But I guess if I would get five dollars if I did it I would do it, then take the most thorough shower I've ever taken!
