Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jessica~Just keep on going

Ever have those days when you feel like everything is going wrong, and yet, you have NO idea what it is? Ever have that feeling like you're the only one in the universe? Goodness knows I have. This post is kinda a reminder for all you girls and for me too.

I had a horrible day yesterday, but for what seemed no reason. The main thing to remember is that God still loves you and would never give you anything you couldn't bear.

So when you feel like giving up, when you feel like no one is around that understands, first off remember that God understands and second, that there are millions of girls struggling with the same thing, including me!!

Love you all!!

"And God is faithful;
he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
1 Corinthians 10:13


  1. So true Jess. He keeps me going all day long, and gives me a beautiful hope for the future.

  2. This blog inspires me, especially this post. Thank you Jessica :)
