Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jessica~Prayer Requests

Hi girls! I have a couple of prayer requests that I'd like to share with you all. First, a man in our church just recently had a kidney transplant. He was very near death when they found the donor and after the surgery was doing good. Just last Friday the doctors found either an abscess or a tumor in his brain and are going into surgery on Wednesday. Secondly, a young lady, related to the same family was just in a serious car accident and is unresponsive. So that family is really REALLY going through a hard time. Third, all who are on buzz are probably seeing my posts on Mandy, my horse. She has done something to her hoof and the vet is being called today. We aren't sure if it will cause lameness but it is a big possibility. Thinking of my horse being lame really makes me scared so if you could be in prayer for these things I would deeply appreciate it! Thank you all!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, the other weekend, some of our youth group and I and my family, went to go and help at the local food distribution. (If any of you don't know what that is, it is a small building, usually a church, where food-AND TONS OF FOOD- is donated and you help pass it out to poor people)

I've always liked helping those in need, or just talking to someone when they need talking to, so I was really excited about doing this.

It lasted for about 2 and a half to 3 hours, but it didn't really seem that long. And the actual experience doesn't have much to explain. All you really do is pass out food in a organized fashion kinda like a factory.

Anyways, my point is, is that seeing all those needy people, seeing the hurt and pain in their eyes, and smelling the stench of loneliness really hit home for me. At one point, an older man came through who was obviously a veteran. His face was worn with many years of pain but his eyes seemed to speak a message. I'm really not sure what the message was, but I knew, right away, that the message was from God. My heart cried out in sympathy, though I knew that right now, all I could do was hand out a can of beans and pray with all my heart for this man.

I was almost overwhelmed at the feeling, and as the day went on, I figured out what it was.

God was reminding me of how blessed I am, and how thankful I should be. We may not be the richest girl in town, but I certainly am extremely blessed.

The man smiled, and I returned the smile and nodded my head in gratitude to the vet.

As you are reading this, please remember how much our Saviour has blessed us. And please, spread that blessing weather it is by handing out food, or giving a warm smile.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grace- Background

By the way, this is only temporary. My computer won't let me see certain things on here because I have a very strict internet protection. So I will try to do something more elaborate and springy as soon as I can get my Daddy to help me. Thanks, for now, enjoy some springy blue!

Lydia, Admin.

Hey Girls!
I was wondering who is next to be Administrator? Is it Grace?


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grace-30 Things

I thought I would just do 5 extra for good measure, even though I don't use Facebook.

  1. My nick name is "Triscut"
  2. All of my other siblings have food nick names as well.
  3. I am bidding on 2 Nancy Drew games right now.
  4. I love Macgyver.
  5. I want to fly, but I have never been in a plane before.
  6. I adore history, love cultures, and think that archeology is about the coolest thing ever.
  7. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys and Trixie Belden are some of my best friends.
  8. September is my favorite month for a multitude of reasons.
  9. I don't like heat.
  10. I love snow.
  11. I have a nest of baby bunnies in my backyard.
  12. My Daddy is a visionary.
  13. My mother is creative.
  14. I am a mix of my Daddy and Mama. In domestic issues I am like her, in logic, reasoning I am like him.
  15. I collect tea pots.
  16. My family used to own a school bus.
  17. I used to have a goat named, "Peppermint Elaine" who was the prettiest goat ever!
  18. I wrote Steven Curtis Chapman when I was 9 and received a letter from his helper and a signed picture from him.
  19. My dear friend is about to turn 16.
  20. I am going to drive in 6 months.
  21. I have just rediscovered how cool watercolor paints are.
  22. I miss riding lessons.
  23. I want to have a farm and make or grow practically everything that I eat by myself.
  24. I am Portuguese, German, French, Irish, and Polish.
  25. Friday night is our family night.
  26. I am a proud violinist.
  27. I am afraid of the ocean.
  28. Canada is beautiful.
  29. I have never seen the Rockies.
  30. I have been kept from going somewhere on my visit to Phoenix AZ because it was raining.

Celina, DESK!

I am selling my desk today!!!!!!!!! A lady that we have been trying to get together with to sell it has finally been able to come get it! I am going to get $100 for it, AND we found a desk in our barn that is going to work it just needs a little fixing up, and a new coat of paint ( I was going to have to paint whatever I got anyway) Soooooooooo I am going to get to use the rest of my money to buy organization stuff and decoration stuff! I am REALLY EXCITED!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I drew this the other night. I like to name my pictures so I named this "Enchanted". Enjoy!

Lydia, 25 things :)

Ok, well I thought I would give this a try!

1. I love animals
2. I love to work hard organizing and cleaning-most times ;)
3. I like to climb trees and run barefoot in a grassy field
4. I also love to do cartwheels barefoot in the field...
5. I do not like going under water, but I am getting better
6. I hate diving boards!
7. I do not like ants-at all!
8. I have always wanted to know how to make a daisy chain :)
9. I really want a horse-badly!!!
10. I really want to volunteer at the Humane Society, but found out you have to be 16-grr!
11. Wondering if I should get my hair cut or keep growing it out...
12. I like making homemade popari ( or however you spell that) and pressing flowers
13. I like making up songs and poems
14. I don't really like soccer, football, or basketball
15. I do not like the windows being open at night even when it is desperately hot
16. Wow you really have to think hard for this game!
17. I do not like Math...who does?
18. I like learning new words
19. I have never been stung by bee or wasps-hey they are my friends!
20. I have never had a nose bleed or any broken bones
21. Have you ever hugged a big, thick tree? I have and I liked it...kind of weird...
22. Few, almost there!
23. I love to plant flowers
24. I want to live on a horse ranch really badly!
25. Ah, here at last! Thank you for reading.


Celina, 25 things

Here are my 25 things you may or may not know about me.
1. I LOVE young children
2. I have a runny nose
3. Rebekah, Sam, and Clara are here spending the night!
4. My hair looks BAD If I go to bed with wet hair
6. I am going to have a Birthday party at our new lake house and YOU are invited (this is an invitation of sorts, Jess I want you and you mom to come!)
7. Gosh! who ever thought of making this thing 25 things long was CRAZY!
9. Clara looks cute in a tutu
10. Clara looks especially cute when she is wearing a fluffy cute tutu and pink rubber boots
11. I have a cute but slightly rotten dog named Elizabeth
12. I am procrastinating because I REALLY don't feel like doing school
13. I almost wrote 12 twice! I would have had to do one more then 25
14. I LOVE SPARKLES!!!!!!!
15. I am planning to breed my dog this summer and have PUPPIES!
16. I am planning on keeping one of her puppies
19. I have a cute little voice down stairs begging me to play polly pockets (I will resist for a little longer)
20. I am almost done!
21. Me and my daddy got our contact cases mixed up at the lake and now daddy won't where his contacts until I figure out whose is whose
22. Rebekah has my stuffed lion and she is walking around down stairs making it say Rawr!
23. My nose is still running
24. I love everything about spring except allergies
25. THIS IS THE LAST ONE! ( I think you all knew that, but at the top you will see that it is twenty-five thing you may or MAY NOT know) :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jessica~ 25..oh wow

So, there is this thing going on, that people have been doing on Facebook where you write 25 different facts about yourself.. I know, crazy..25?!?! Oh, well, I'll try :)

1-My middle name is Marie
2-I've always wanted to work with pre-mature and ill infants and intend to pursue that goal
3-I've never seen an ocean.
4- I REALLY want to see an ocean someday!
5-This is really long
6-I am the youngest of 3 (two older brothers) I'm sure most of you know that
7-I've never been in an airplane
8- Never intend to
9-My best friend ever is Jesus Christ!
10-Good grief! This is hard!
11-My favorite sport is basketball!
12-I've always had a secret wish to take singing lessons :)
13-I play flute and piano.
14-My favorite verse is Psalm 27
15-My two favorite authors are C.S. Lewis and L.M Montgomery
16- Favorite T.V show is The Andy Griffith Show. Classic :)
17-Almost there!!
18-I'm allergic to my math, though my mom NEVER believes me for some odd reason :)
19-I have: 1 horse, 2 cats (though our momma cat is about to have kitties!!), 14 chickens.
20-Never had my hair died or highlighted.
21-Favorite hymn is Shine Jesus Shine and The Battle Belongs to the Lord
22-My favorite flowers are Lilies and Dahlias
24-I love gardens *frantically trying to think of a last one* really tired because it is after nine. :) DONE!!!
This is kinda fun, you don't have to do it but it's neat to hear about different things from your friends!

Grace- Random Sunday Evening Questions

  1. Is, "paying tribute" called that because small rivers running into bigger ones are called, "tributaries"?
  2. Are there any more dinosaurs left? I have heard stories about them.
  3. What does the word, "truth" mean to you?
  4. What does the word "freedom" mean to you?
  5. Why did the girl who made my Regency Era patterns NOT number the pattern pieces?
  6. Why do more people like spring and summer more than fall and winter?
  7. I hate Black Widows.
  8. Would you jump off of a cliff into a freezing cold ocean?
  9. Why is it called, "skydive"? It should be called, "earthdive".
  10. What is God's favorite color?
  11. Are names that begin with the letter "M" more attractive than ones starting with the letter "E"?
  12. What kind of a crazy person would drink a whole bottle of alcohol and then drive a car?
  13. Who doesn't like rainbows?
  14. What is this sick fascination with vampires?
  15. Did C.S. Lewis like house cats?
  16. How many people get...overly carsick?
  17. Least favorite book of the Bible? Hmm, possibly Lamentations.
  18. Life coming from no life? Evolutionists have got a problem sister.
  19. Strings or brass?
  20. Favorite way to paint toe nails?
My Sunday evenings are odd...sometimes...

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am an older sister. I have four younger siblings and one older one. So I tend to boss all of them around. I mean, come on, they would all be helpless without me, right?

Ah, no. In fact, I could not get along without them. But a lot of the time, you wouldn't think that. Mom told me today that I have been bossier in the past year. I myself have noticed it and have wondered what the right level really is. I do naturally have a motherly instinct and I am the second mother around here, but on the other hand sometimes I just find it easier to make them do what I want or stop whatever is irritating me because I am older and bigger.

Irritation and snappishness seem to follow me around lately. And no, I can't blame it all on hormones. It just feels like things that didn't used to bother me now bug me like you would not believe. And my mouth is just terrible sometimes! I have gotten WAY to outspoken. I have always been opinionated and outspoken, but lately I have just gotten extreme. And sometimes I say stuff that hurts people when I really didn't mean to. Ugh! What's a girl to do?

I know that other teens struggle with this, but that doesn't mean that is right, or that we can just blame it all on hormones. Well, then just get over it Gracie, I mean, all teens have this, and you will just have to accept that you will be a royal pain and terror until you reach the mature age of 18.

Ha ha, I don't think so. It has to get better than this. Maybe God is just using this as a chance to refine my character. I have been trying to work harder at the things that I struggle most with, but it is really hard. I wake up in the morning and think, "Ah, a fresh day with no mistakes." And by 8:30 I have already royally blown it.

I know that I will never be perfect, but I can be a lot more like Jesus than I am right now. How do you feel about all of this?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Celina, Cookie problems

So as most of you probably know I make and sell cookies. So the other day I decided to make some and sell. I decided to do peanut-butter kiss cookies and no bake cookies. I found recipes for both, got all of the supplies, and got started. About half of the way through making the peanut-butter kiss cookies Mom came into the kitchen and said that I probably wouldn't make that much of a profit because the kisses are so expensive, that was disappointment number one. Then we went to the lake house and I started to make the no bake cookies. I have only made no bake cookies twice, so I am not very good at them. So I started up a batch and put them out on a pan to cool. Then I started the next batch, about the time I had finished the second batch, Mom walked in and said umm those don't look like they are setting right. I haven't made those kinda cookies very much so I wasn't sure how they were supposed to work. I put the second batch onto wax paper and they didn't set either! So there I was at the lake house getting ready with a whole lot of no bake cookies dough! I was soooooooo disappointed! My kind brothers said they would buy it all from me for $4. I was grateful but still that is not as much as I would have made. So I put it all in a container and brought it home. The next morning it had set! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY! But now I had the problem of how I was going to sell a no bake loaf :). I decided to cut it up and sell it like that, so this afternoon I cut it up and am going to sell it. I only got 4 dozen out of it but that is better than nothing.

Lydia, Sleepover

I thought I would share about the sleepover me and my friend Celina had. She came home with us from Orchestra Friday and we played Barbies until dinner time and had chicken and noodles with carrots. Then we blew up an air mattress and put sheets, quilts, and pillows on top and watched a movie called "Crusade: A march through time" (I think that was what it was called). It is about a boy who went back in time to the childrens crusade. Then we went to sleep. The next morning after I did my "Saturday Chores" we played Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island for awhile. After that we got to drive our neighbors golf cart around in their field and had a wonderful time chatting. We had sandwiches, chips, and lemonade while having a relaxing drive in the beautiful weather :). Then we went to Evangel and Celina and my sister took a music theory test. Afterwords we ran some errands and went to Sonic :). I think that is about it...other than it was a blast :). Thanks for reading!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Celina, Elizabeth- The soon to be star!

So I was Pretty frustrated with Elizabeth yesterday (Thursday) she had two accidents in the house, even though she was outside a lot. And whenever I would try to put her outside she would just stand there and whine. I also thought that she was pretty well trained when I got her, but I realized that she was sweet but STUBBORN! Today I bought her some doggy treats and when I got home from Orchestra I started training with her. I started with "Heel" (because I have a book that gives you step by step instructions to training you dog and I am going by it and it said to start with heel) and she did SOOO good!! I started with a leash and just walked down the basement longways, she did so good that after 15 minuets of working with her she was doing good without a leash! I had to start her on the left side of me before we started, but then she could walk down the basement turn around and walk back without much encouragement. I even had all of my family with me so she had distractions. I was really happy with her!

Grace- I Watched a Face Light Up


That word means a lot of things to me and my friends. It means getting up early, driving 40 minutes south, having classes, eating out of a cooler, learning music, but especially, FRIENDS! Many of our friends from church go to orchestra, and so we view it as a social event in many ways where we get to meet with them and other friends that we met at orchestra.

This is my 3rd year in orchestra. My 1st year was as a beginner violinist at the age of 9. At that time I was the only one of us who write on here to go to orchestra.

One of the big reasons I was excited about going was the possibility of making friends. First day I sat with a girl named Madison. We hit it off, and I thought how lucky I was that I had found a friend on the first week!

Orchestra continued on, and for several weeks Madison and I were chummy, but then the inevitable happened, she realized that one of her best friends from Girl Scouts was also in her class. Immediately I was bumped off to member number three of the 2 limit group. From that time on I was pretty much a loner. I knew a boy that was in theory class, and we hung out together, but then he moved in the middle of the year. Now I really was a loner.

I tried to make friends with the other loners, but no one seemed to want to hang out with me. By the time the year was up, I was pretty fed up with it. My parents has decided to go ahead and have me and my brother leave orchestra for a while, as we were moving further into the country, and I had expressed loneliness and distaste for it.

The very year after I left all of my friends joined orchestra! Boy did I feel cheated! For the next 2-3 years I listened to them talk about classes, choir, and all of these fun experiences. Yet again I felt like a loner, the outsider cut off from the world that before I had felt like a stranger in.

A year later my parents surprised me by saying that I could go back to orchestra and join choir. I was thrilled! This time, I fit in right away. I had friends on all sides, and I made even more in a very short amount of time. I am now in my 2nd year back at orchestra, and I am in my realm. Walking down the hall is a pleasant experience, because there are friendly faces and friends on all sides. I am happy and look forward to Friday every week.

Today me and Lydia(who play violin in the same class, along with Celina who plays clarinet) were sitting together on the stage waiting for the rest of the students and teachers to arrive. I had scooted over to sit and chat with Lydia for a time before the girl who sits between us arrived. As we were chatting a girl who sits in the front row came up and took her seat. She looked longingly at me and Lydia chatting and giggling, and smiled a shy and timid smile.

"What's your name?" She shyly asked Lydia.

"Lydia." The girl then looked at me and smiled,

"What's your name?"

"I'm Grace." The girl(who's name is Emily) looked at us and asked,

"Are you two sisters?"

Lydia and I smiled at this question, for it is not the first time it has been asked. We happen to look very alike, and have been mistaken for sisters before. Especially since we are always walking around together.

"No, we are just friends. But other people have mistaken us for sisters."

We then exchanged the usual orchestra formalities, how long have you played, do you do private lessons, who's your teacher?

Emily said that this was her first year here, and she had only done private lessons before. After that we didn't get a chance to say much, since the rest of the students and teachers arrived, and we had to start class.

Our last class of the day is music theory class. Our playing group is usually broken up into 3 different theory classes, but on the first week of every month we have a music history class instead of a normal theory class. During this one we sit in a room in rows of chairs and listen to the teacher talk and play CD's at the front of the classroom.

Lydia and I were the first arrive, so we sat down in the first row and reserved a seat for Celina. Celina came in and sat down, and we started right in on chit chatting and giggling. After a time Emily came in the door and looked for a place to sit. She looked longingly at our happy threesome, and then went to the end of the row to sit by herself. The picture of her sitting at the end of the row all by herself was very sad to me, and I seemed to hear a little voice say,

"You know how she feels. You left orchestra because you didn't have any friends, and no one would go out of their way to reach out to you. Don't let that happen to her, show My love."

I looked at the seat next to Lydia, the was a purse sitting on the chair, obviously someone was reserving that seat, I then looked at the other side where Celina was. The was one open chair at the end, then the three seats that we were occupying, and then the purse seat.

"Girls, let's each move one seat down so that we can invite that girl to sit with us." Then, I leaned over and asked,

"Emily, do you want to come and sit with us?"

It was like watching beam of light burst through a break in the clouds, like the sparkle of gems as the sun catches them, like a bright lamp being turned on in a dark room. I watched her face light up, and she smiled. A big, warm, full smile. And eagerly she came and sat down beside us, as happy as could be, because she was wanted.

We didn't get a chance to talk much for the rest of class, but after class was over, Emily waited for us in the hallway.

"Thank you so much for letting me sit with you." She said with another one of her warm, full smiles. I smiled back,

"No problem. We should do it again sometime."

We have all felt like Emily at some point or another. Being alone is painful to everyone. We were made to be with each other, we were made for each other. In the Garden of Eden God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so he made Eve, thus creating fellowship.

God tells us to fellowship with other Christians, as this is strengthening to us all. And together we are happier, and together we are stronger.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion, but woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

It has been proven that married couples live longer than singles. It has also been proven that children will die without love. The need for love was put instinctively in us by God, so that we would need each other.

But many people in the world just don't get it. They are hurting, and they are searching for love in all of the wrong places. Cruel things happen, and people are hurt and pushed to the side. Then because of desperation, they do terrible things. Their lack for something that is so needed has become a weapon of destruction.

How can we help with this? This is a question that I often find myself asking. I am only 14 years old, and most of the time I feel helpless in the battle to change the world. I have been asking God to use me as a tool to build up and show His light, but sometimes I don't feel like I am doing anything at all.

Today, God showed me something. He showed me how loving on someone else and making an effort changed something. My giving love to Emily changed her entire day, so, could I do that for someone else?

The answer is yes. My showing love to people can make a difference. Sometimes just smiling warmly at someone can make a difference in their entire day. God will use you and me as tools to show His love to the world, we just have to be willing.

Have you ever watched a face light up? Do you want to? Just pray, and wait, and be ready. And when you hear God calling you to go...go.

There's is a song by the band mikeschair that I absolutely loved. It is called, "Keep Changing The World". Here are the words to the chorus,

To all the people who are fighting for the broken
All the people who keep holdin' onto love
All the people who are reachin' for the lonely
Keep changin' the world

You can't change it all at once. Goodness! I can't even drive yet! But I CAN do something! What about you?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lydia, more on Faith's b-day

Well, you see the title, they are really my sisters plans. For her birthday she is going to an old time photo shop with her friends and out to dinner this Saturday. She was planning on going last Saturday which was closer to her birthday, but had to postpone it for a funeral. I think it is a really neat idea. I have not yet decided if I am going to go or not because we might have to take two vehicles and I might feel kind of awkward with her and her friends. This is her last year though before she goes to college. Do you girls have any input? Thanks!
