1-My middle name is Marie
2-I've always wanted to work with pre-mature and ill infants and intend to pursue that goal
3-I've never seen an ocean.
4- I REALLY want to see an ocean someday!
5-This is really long
6-I am the youngest of 3 (two older brothers) I'm sure most of you know that
7-I've never been in an airplane
8- Never intend to
9-My best friend ever is Jesus Christ!
10-Good grief! This is hard!
11-My favorite sport is basketball!
12-I've always had a secret wish to take singing lessons :)
13-I play flute and piano.
14-My favorite verse is Psalm 27
15-My two favorite authors are C.S. Lewis and L.M Montgomery
16- Favorite T.V show is The Andy Griffith Show. Classic :)
17-Almost there!!
18-I'm allergic to my math, though my mom NEVER believes me for some odd reason :)
19-I have: 1 horse, 2 cats (though our momma cat is about to have kitties!!), 14 chickens.
20-Never had my hair died or highlighted.
21-Favorite hymn is Shine Jesus Shine and The Battle Belongs to the Lord
22-My favorite flowers are Lilies and Dahlias
24-I love gardens
25-....and....um. *frantically trying to think of a last one* I....am really tired because it is after nine. :) DONE!!!
This is kinda fun, you don't have to do it but it's neat to hear about different things from your friends!
Good for you! I will have to try this later.