Friday, March 4, 2011

Celina, Elizabeth- The soon to be star!

So I was Pretty frustrated with Elizabeth yesterday (Thursday) she had two accidents in the house, even though she was outside a lot. And whenever I would try to put her outside she would just stand there and whine. I also thought that she was pretty well trained when I got her, but I realized that she was sweet but STUBBORN! Today I bought her some doggy treats and when I got home from Orchestra I started training with her. I started with "Heel" (because I have a book that gives you step by step instructions to training you dog and I am going by it and it said to start with heel) and she did SOOO good!! I started with a leash and just walked down the basement longways, she did so good that after 15 minuets of working with her she was doing good without a leash! I had to start her on the left side of me before we started, but then she could walk down the basement turn around and walk back without much encouragement. I even had all of my family with me so she had distractions. I was really happy with her!


  1. Aw, that is so awesome. What else are you planning on teaching her?
