Monday, March 21, 2011

Lydia, 25 things :)

Ok, well I thought I would give this a try!

1. I love animals
2. I love to work hard organizing and cleaning-most times ;)
3. I like to climb trees and run barefoot in a grassy field
4. I also love to do cartwheels barefoot in the field...
5. I do not like going under water, but I am getting better
6. I hate diving boards!
7. I do not like ants-at all!
8. I have always wanted to know how to make a daisy chain :)
9. I really want a horse-badly!!!
10. I really want to volunteer at the Humane Society, but found out you have to be 16-grr!
11. Wondering if I should get my hair cut or keep growing it out...
12. I like making homemade popari ( or however you spell that) and pressing flowers
13. I like making up songs and poems
14. I don't really like soccer, football, or basketball
15. I do not like the windows being open at night even when it is desperately hot
16. Wow you really have to think hard for this game!
17. I do not like Math...who does?
18. I like learning new words
19. I have never been stung by bee or wasps-hey they are my friends!
20. I have never had a nose bleed or any broken bones
21. Have you ever hugged a big, thick tree? I have and I liked it...kind of weird...
22. Few, almost there!
23. I love to plant flowers
24. I want to live on a horse ranch really badly!
25. Ah, here at last! Thank you for reading.



  1. Nice job! Could you tell me what the Humane Society is?
    I have the same predicament with my hair. Ahh!! I can't ever decide! :)

  2. Oh, I am sorry Lydia. The Humane Society is like an animal shelter for hurt and lost animals.

    I think that you should not go above shoulder length. Shoulder length is really pretty on you. And I am begging you DO NOT GET A BOB! You have such pretty hair.

    Ah, yes. The buzzing and stinging things are your friends. Well, they are my enemy. If I hear a buzzing noise I am across the yard in about .5 flat. Oh well, such is life.
