Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lydia, Sleepover

I thought I would share about the sleepover me and my friend Celina had. She came home with us from Orchestra Friday and we played Barbies until dinner time and had chicken and noodles with carrots. Then we blew up an air mattress and put sheets, quilts, and pillows on top and watched a movie called "Crusade: A march through time" (I think that was what it was called). It is about a boy who went back in time to the childrens crusade. Then we went to sleep. The next morning after I did my "Saturday Chores" we played Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island for awhile. After that we got to drive our neighbors golf cart around in their field and had a wonderful time chatting. We had sandwiches, chips, and lemonade while having a relaxing drive in the beautiful weather :). Then we went to Evangel and Celina and my sister took a music theory test. Afterwords we ran some errands and went to Sonic :). I think that is about it...other than it was a blast :). Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE that movie. It is so sweet how Dolph loves on all of those kids, especially that little girl Maria. I just loved that movie!

    Sounds like a ton of fun Lydia. We haven't done something like that in a while. Only we usually play dolls. Liberty is very anxious to see Felicity's new hair. But she must wait to have her leg put back on. ;)
