Monday, March 21, 2011

Celina, 25 things

Here are my 25 things you may or may not know about me.
1. I LOVE young children
2. I have a runny nose
3. Rebekah, Sam, and Clara are here spending the night!
4. My hair looks BAD If I go to bed with wet hair
6. I am going to have a Birthday party at our new lake house and YOU are invited (this is an invitation of sorts, Jess I want you and you mom to come!)
7. Gosh! who ever thought of making this thing 25 things long was CRAZY!
9. Clara looks cute in a tutu
10. Clara looks especially cute when she is wearing a fluffy cute tutu and pink rubber boots
11. I have a cute but slightly rotten dog named Elizabeth
12. I am procrastinating because I REALLY don't feel like doing school
13. I almost wrote 12 twice! I would have had to do one more then 25
14. I LOVE SPARKLES!!!!!!!
15. I am planning to breed my dog this summer and have PUPPIES!
16. I am planning on keeping one of her puppies
19. I have a cute little voice down stairs begging me to play polly pockets (I will resist for a little longer)
20. I am almost done!
21. Me and my daddy got our contact cases mixed up at the lake and now daddy won't where his contacts until I figure out whose is whose
22. Rebekah has my stuffed lion and she is walking around down stairs making it say Rawr!
23. My nose is still running
24. I love everything about spring except allergies
25. THIS IS THE LAST ONE! ( I think you all knew that, but at the top you will see that it is twenty-five thing you may or MAY NOT know) :)


  1. Oh how cool!! If your mom and my mom can talk...maybe we could come!! :)

  2. Sounds good I will have mom call you guys!

  3. That was cute CC. And I TOTALLY agree on the cats. Stuck up selfish balls of fur that torture innocent little animals and are WAY TO SCRATCHY! So the opposite from dogs, who are cute and adorable, they are faithful, loyal, and wonderful friends. I can't wait until Elizabeth has puppies, they will be SO cute!

  4. Ok...if any of you were to meet our momma cat, Molly, I think you may have a change of heart :) She is SOOO sweet and loyal, only scratches mean dogs and other cats and loovveess kids :)
