Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grace-Biblical Courage

I am entering a writing contest that is presented by Patrick Henry College. The topic for my age group is Biblical courage. I am supposed to write an original story only 1500 words long that portrays Biblical courage.

So I thought I would ask you, what do you think Biblical courage is?


  1. hmm I think it involeves things like saying stuff that is the right thing to do but OH SO HARD like saying you were wrong! but it is also couragess stuff like hitting a gaint with a stone hoping it will kill him :)

  2. I think it is standing up for what you believe in even when others don't the early Christians who were persecuted for their beliefs.

  3. Very good ideas both of them. It can be anything from fighting a battle alone to going to an office everyday where people don't like you and choosing to be kind.

  4. What first comes into my mind when I hear biblical courage is probably what Lydia said.
    Or Grace, you could come up with a whole bunch of ideas and mix them all together. Like a double or triple lesson.
