Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jessica~A Perfect Thanksgiving

So, I was sitting down occupying myself this morning when my dad says, "Jess, Your mom and I have something we want to tell you." I set down what I'm doing...."Yes dad?" "You know last Sunday when you and I went to Mr. Rod's house and went horse-back riding?" "Yeah! It was fun!" "Well, do you remember how much you loved that 20 year old mare you were riding?"
"Yeah! How could I forget" "Well...Mr. Rod would like to give her to you." "Haha Dad!" "Jess, I'm serious. You now have a horse of your own!"



  1. WAY TO GO JESS! I am SO happy for you! You waited on the Lord, and He GAVE you a horse! Just think, you might have had to pay to get a horse, and it might not even have been right for you. And now God has given you the horse just right for you and you love her, I am so happy for you I could cry! Okay, scratch that, I seriously am crying.

  2. WOWWWWW!!! I am told my mom that you were getting a horse and she was like yep I know. I am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot what to see it!!!

  3. Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THAT IS SO AWESOME! I am so happy for you!
