Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hey girls!
I want to first, say sorry that I've not been on here for such a LONG time!!! Second, I'd like to ask a request, that you could all pray for me as I finish up this quarter in school. I've lately been having a horrible time in math, usually ending a day in either an argument with my mom or just a good cry. Most of it I know will pass, but I think right now, I'm not only fighting a battle with my studies but fighting a spiritual battle. I would really appreciate the spiritual support from you all.
Love you!!!!!


  1. Oh man Jess! I am with you there girl. I have struggled with math for the last 4 years. I have been behind, I have had trouble, I have done like 30 problems and gotten 1/2 of them wrong, so I know how you feel. And I usually ended up in an argument or a cry too. I will pray. Something that helped me was just saying to myself every morning,

    "Okay. I can do this, I am smart, and God will help me. God, I invite you into my schoolwork today, and ask that you help me."

    I did that, and was SHOCKED at the difference! I had immediate help and have been doing a lot better since then. I also pray at night that He will help me.

    I will pray too. God bless you Jess!

  2. Oh wow Grace! Just talk to my mom and you'll know that I've struggled with the EXACT same things!!!! Thanks a bunch!
