Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yes. I am sick.

It is like a mixture of like 3 or 4 different things. Flu, cold, ear infection, and something else.

I had a fever, sore throat, body aches, one night. Body aches and sore throat the next. Sore throat, a terrible one that night, the next night, and tonight I have a plugged up ear that hurts.

Ugh! Oh well. At least it is not stomach flu, which I dread above all else. That is funny coming from me because I throw up like the least in my family. I haven't thrown up in 4 years! Whereas my poor younger brother can throw up like 11 times in the middle of the night. Not fun.

I have to go sing in choir tomorrow, I am usually a 2nd soprano. But tomorrow, I might be alto.


  1. I am so sorry, I was REALLY sick too. It started out as a sore throat and fever. Then I had a stuffy and runny nose then I got pink eye in both eyes then I got a cough! So it sounds like it has been rough for both of us! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I have to take 24 eye drops a day-no kidding!!! Not to mention I hate getting eye drops, but now I am an expert :)

  3. Yeah. I have had to take eyedrops before for my eyes when I was waiting on glasses. I think that I got my thing from you, but, it wasn't pink eye. So if I didn't get it from you, where did I get it? Oooh, that's creepy!
