Anyways, my neighbor's across the street are your book type grandparents. Mr. P gardens and wears an old hat, Mrs. P is feisty and can cook like nobody's buisness. And both love to talk at the same time. Oh, and did I forget the Southern accents!
Well, I went over to day to come'a'borrowin' for an extry pie pan. ;) We have busted all of ours except for 1, and when it is Thanksgiving and Christmas time, a girl needs pie pans!
Well, Mr. P gave me the pie pans, and then asked, "Are you a good cook?"
"I am, somewhat. I am working on it, but I can cook." I replied.
"Well that is just wonderful. You know, we have spent these last couple of days in Dallas with one of our daughters, and we have a granddaughter that is a junior and college. And she can cook like anythin', I mean, anythin'. Absolutely wonderful! Her mother(by the way, this is all in a slow, drawling Southern accent)has done a wonderful job of teachin' her cookin' and housekeepin. Honestly, girls these days just can't cook. And I don't know what they are goin' to do when they get married and can't cook. So she is just a delight to our soul."
I smile, and nod, trying not to giggle at how adorable this old man is.
"You know Conner(their grandson, also our neighbor), well, he was talkin' to his grandma the other day. And he said, "Grandma, when I move out, can I buy you a plane ticket so that you can come and cook for me?" Grandma P says, "Well aren't you plannin' on gettin' married?" And Conner says, "But Grandma, those girls can't cook! So when you said that you were a good cook Grace it was just a delight to my soul."
I could have hugged the man right then and there. He and his wife are just about the sweetest things since apple pie.
But they are right! How many girls these days know how to cook? Or how to do laundry? Or how to clean a bathroom, scrub a toilet, mend a seam, sew a button on, wash windows, bake bread? How many do? I can tell you, HARDLY ANY AT ALL!
That is because our culture has lost touch with the housewife idea. They think it is degrading to be womanly, skilled, and a stay-at-home wife and mom. They think that it is unimportant and below to stay at home. But girls, it is not!
I am not saying that women can't work at all, and I am not saying that everyone should stay at home. But it isn't degrading to do womanly things. God created two genders, male, and female. The males He made strong and brave, so that they could protect and provide for others. The females He made nurturing, tender, and beautiful. That doesn't mean that we can't be strong and brave when we have to.
But our present American culture has mixed these two genders. Boys aren't cool unless they are sick, girly, fops! And girls aren't as cool unless they have this whole feminist thing going.
We need godly, virtuous young women who can be happy help-meets to some nice strong young men.
One way to do that? Well gals, men are often touched by their stomachs. Yes. In fact, a survey was done recently about smells that get a guy's attention, and do you know what it was? Pumpkin pie scent! Of course, that wouldn't draw my brother, you would have to wear bacon scent to draw him. ;)
No, I am not telling you to go smearing pumpkin pie all over yourself, I am just saying, men feel provided for when they have a good, hot, homemade meal in front of them.
Think ahead girls, what skills do you need to be a good wife, and mother?
Wow, thanks for the reminder Grace! Good point.