Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jessica~ A Fairytale

As most of you know, last Sunday, a kind and generous neighbor gave me his 21 year old mare, Mandy. Since then I've thought alot of how amazing it is and what a miracle it has been to get to know this gal.

Some of you may think "Good grief! It's an animal! Why think of it like that??" If you are thinking that... You just aren't right!!! :) LOL I'm joking. But, Horses are what I believe one of God's most wonderful creations!

Sunday afternoon, after my neighbor had dropped her off at our house and I had rode her for a while (By the way, bareback makes you build up calluses on places you don't want to!!) we rode up to my Aunt Mary's house so we could get her used to the place, because that's where she is staying for a while until we get our fence up.

It was getting darker and a little more cool. I was riding around the edge of the woods. The sun at our side, I saw the reflection of a little horse and a small girl whose lifelong dream came true. My insides quivered, "Wow! The one thing I've been praying and saving for, for YEARS has finally.... finally! Come true!"

I patted her rump and went into a trot. The sun, still casting those shadows that still seemed like a fairytale was slowly setting.

"Jessie!" My six year old cousin called me from the porch. I was still in my fairytale so I didn't hear her. "JESSIE!!" I started, hearing her innocent voice. "Yes, Mara?" "Jessie, I really wanna ride your horse." My insides quivered again as I repeated what she said: "your horse, my horse, MINE!!" I felt like bursting into tears as the truth seemed to overwhelm me.

That four legged thing that had always been in my dreams, sometimes at other people's houses, suddenly appeared. I heard the voice of my saviour say: "Jessica, all this time, you've prayed. Over and over I told you that I loved you. I've told you that I bless those who I love and who love me."

"Since you asked, I answered."


  1. WOW Jess that is soooo cool! You are truly a blessed God Lovin' girl!

  2. Wow Jess. Isn't that beautiful how He answered you? I have had prayers answered before, and the feeling is so wonderful. Sometimes it can feel like your prayers just bounce off the ceiling right back into your mouth. But when something like this happens, you just feel almost stunned, because it is REAL! It really builds faith. God bless you and Mandy!

  3. That is SO amazing! I just wanted to say though that God ALWAYS answers your prayers, though the answer might be "no" sometimes. I am SO glad he said YES! THAT IS SO COOL! I still can't believe it! Have a wonderful time with your sweet Mandy!

  4. Thank you girls! I love you all!!

  5. Oh you better jess You're stuck with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. :) Love you too sticky friend!!
