For fun lately I have.....been able to enjoy this AMAZING weather and not be stuck inside sick!! I've been learning on the flute, "The Old Rugged Cross" so that my grandma can accompany me on the piano at church!! I am soo excited!!! So, now things I'm thankful for:
1) My Amazing Lord and Saviour!!
2) My mama who gives up her time and patience to give me an education!! And to teach me those little things that don't seem to matter but bring you to awe when you are older.
3) My daddy who doesn't mind at all sleeping on my bed with me when I've just watched something scary or just need some "daddy time" :)
4) Being able to grow up around, this one I don't think of much, but when I do, I am so thankful because they have taught me a lot of things! Whether it's how to shoot a BB gun or how to get messy the "right" way, I am so glad that I've had the privilege to grow up around boys!! Awesome brothers at that. :)
5) Being able to live in the country. Grace, you really hit that point good! I would be in misery if I lived in the city!!
6) My AWESOME, thoughtful, kind, loyal friends that are always there when I need them the most!!
7) Church camp! Even though it is November and camp is in July, I've been thinking about it alot! I am very excited and blessed to have a great camp to learn more about God and to meet new friends every year!!
8) My musical abilities!! God has blessed me (And all you girls!) with the love of music and the appreciation of his gift of music!
9) Internet access. I CAN TALK TO MY FRIENDS WHEN I WANT!!!!!!! That is ssuuuccchhh a cool thing! I almost feel spoiled by all this technology!
10) last but not least, the freedom to be thankful!!
And great picture Grace! It is very fall-ish!! I LLLOOVVVEEE IITT!!!
And glad you are back CC!!
Yeah. There were several leaf ones. And they had some of the cutest polka dot and flower pattern ones! I wish I could be administrator for like months on end, so that I could use all of the cute themes.