Sunday, September 26, 2010

Grace, Purpose? I Don't Like This God!

Yes, this is yet another post about your purpose in life. But I have been reading a guide book to the Old Testament for Bible in school, and recently, I just read about Joseph.

Joseph, the favored one, the smart one, the handsome one. Joseph, the accused one, the imprisoned one, then, the raised up one.

The story of Joseph has long been one of the most miraculous stories of forgiveness for many centuries.
The idea that you could forgive someone who threw you into a hole, forced you to stay in a cold, dark, probably critter ridden place. Then sold you away from your home and loved ones to cruel men who bound you, beat you, and left you to sleep in the cold. And after that life got to be okay when you were overseer of someone's house, but then because you were kind and good lookin' you got in more trouble.
Finally after a couple of years in prison, you got out, got popular, got married, had some kids, and life was hunkie dorie.
Until.... THEY SHOWED UP ASKING FOR FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this were some sick American TV show Joseph would have been absolutely terrible to them all! He would have beat them, forced them to go through everything that he had gone through, and then sold them to be slaves.

But he didn't! Instead God gave him the grace to love and forgive, thus saving the entire line of Israel!

Then at their reunion, Joseph says these healing and wise words.

"I am Jospeh your brother whom you sold into Egypt. But now do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt."

Genesis 45:4-8

You know, many people use this as a story of forgiveness, and it is. But, I also see it as a story about God's plan for our lives. He had it planned out ahead for Joseph to be in Egypt at the exact time when he was most needed. And because of that, Joseph saved the whole line of the Jews, and ultimately Jesus! What a great testimony!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rebekah, That Good ole' Smack in the Face

You may be thinking "Oh my goodness, what happened to Rebekah?!" when you read the title to this blog, but by smack in the face I do not mean physical, I mean an awakening, an awakening of my spirit to be exact. I was having a rough time in school, I still am,not because of the classes, no not academically, just spiritually.

Something miss Tracy told me when I told her I had decided to go to Public school is that she could see me as being a light in the dark, some on God would use immensely. I just thought "oh that sounds great"! Little did I know that it would affect me this way. It's hard! I am a big chicken!

I don't mind talking to people at school most of the time, if their beside me or I know EXACTLY what to say, but for some reason it's harder when it means crossing the street to visit a neighbor I have been praying for, or even crossing the hallway to talk to a girl I don't know very well about something she told me, or worse, one I know really well.

I have cried numerous nights because I know I can't do it, I can NOT do it. It depresses me in every way if I get afraid to go talk to that one neighbor girl and then I realize that night that I probably directly disobeyed something God was calling me to do. I am so confused, so confused! I pray for a long long time when I feel especially sad or depressed. (Yes depressed. that hateful word, the one were you picture those black-and-white commercials where it talks about "could cause suicidal thoughts.. ask your doctor today".) But really it's not nearly as bad because Jesus loves me, It's more of on my knees crying and praying for God to forgive me, or praying for strength to do it next time I feel a calling, or praying for the person.

Ever since I was young I had so much compassion for people, compassion that can only come from the Lord. But I have NEVER been afraid to say or do what I know is God (and I've never been unsure if it was), ever. I don't know why but I just lock up and I feel sick, and I don't want to do it. I am confused because I don't know if it's of the Devil or not. I am confused because I pray for the strength and I don't feel strong when I feel this way.

Slap in the face #1:
I talked to my mother about this and she say's that she just prays until the feeling passes.
My mother also told me that God does not want me to be sad, he is proud of me even if I disobey him.
It might be something I need to do even if I don't want to.
How beautiful the feet that bring
the sound of good news
and the love of the King.
How incredibly selfish for me not to try to help some one else into the kingdom of God.
If it is God I will know exactly what he wants.

So maybe this helped you today. Maybe It just helped me to write it out. But pray for me, pray that there will be more of God and less of me, or all God and none of me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jessica, New Design

Well! Here goes! How do ya'll like it? I thought that this would give the blog a nice...fall expression! :) Please tell me if anything is wrong or doesn't look right!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Celina, Administrator

So thought that is would be fun to let diffrent people be the Administrator of this website for like a week at a time so they can like change the look of thid website and like do polls and stuff so I am going to go in alphabetical order of who gets to go first and stuff sooooooo.............. that would make Jessica first, Jess you can now change the look and stuff of the website so HAVE FUN!!!! the order that we will go in is (I am going by last name)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Celina, Vacation!!!!

I am going on vacation in 17 days!!!!!!!!! I am going to Destin, Florida with one of my Best Friends Olivia! We will leave on the 8th with the Olivia's family we will be gone for two weeks but Olivia and her family will go home after one week. I am soooooooooooooooo exited!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lydia, a Pslam

Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
he law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Just thought I would post this Psalm. I really like it :).

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grace, What it Means to be a Teen

Teens, hmm, that word often leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Not only are we stereotyped as messy, irresponsible no goods who are only worried about boyfriends-girlfriends, cell phones, text messages and iPod's. But the terrible thing is that a lot of those things are true!

It is an awkward age. For boys, their voices are changing, they are often growing like weeds, and sometimes are just a little awkward.
For girls, we begin to not only look more like adult women, but we begin to feel the pressure of having to look "magazine cute" in order to get our value. A whole crushing wave filled with hair, make-up, clothing, smiling, laughing, be witty and entertaining at all times comes rushing in almost without warning.

Well, some people have kind of this philosophy that teens aren't really worth much, we eat to much, we smell bad, our voices are squeaky, us girls are way too dramatic, and we are really concerned about lots of little in-important things that feel stressful and imperative to us.
A lot of people think that the teen years just have to be suffered through, they are dreaded, and people can't wait for them to be over so that we can mature overnight when we hit 20 and then go off to college and become successful and wise.

Some teens have this idea that this is party time. This is when we get to act up, be childish, play and laugh, flirt and be coy, eat, drink, and be merry to put it simply. Do you now wonder why we are stereotyped?

I have a different philosophy, one that some very wise people share. Such as my father and mother, and the Harris boys. If you have not heard of them, or read their book, "Do Hard Things" then I recommend that you read it as fast as you can buy or borrow it, and that you visit their website.

These boys have a different idea, that the teen years are a growing time, a learning time, a time to build character. These are the years when you are forming a lot of who you will be later, and if you form badly, it is going to take a TON of work to track back and regroup.

Now is not the time to play games, now is the time to learn, to grow, to ask questions and listen to older wiser people. Now is the time to keep your eyes and ears open, to read your Bible, to learn to love other people and love your family. Now is the time!

Yes, I know. Something kinda hits you about 12-13 is identity searching. I know, I have gone through a bit, nothing as horrible as some people do. I have loving parents who are deeply involved in my life and help me out a ton! I have a loving God Who's Word I read every day to help me out.

Since this is such an issue for teens, here are some identity-searching tips.

First of all, who am I in Christ? Well, Grace(myself) is a beautiful, loved, child of God with a heart to love. I may not always live that out, but in my Spirit that is who I am.

Second, I am smart. I have a brain designed by the greatest Designer of all times! I can conquer my daily school challenges, and I WILL conquer them, because I have to.

Third, I am beautiful. I may not be the prettiest girl in the world, and I don't know that I want to be. I know that my future husband will think me the most beautiful and that is good enough for me. But I am also beautiful on the inside, I may not be 100% internally gorgeous all of the times, but I am mortal and that is all that can be expected.

Fourth. Well, I may not be the funniest, I may not be the wittiest, I may not be the most athletic, I may not be the best singer, I may dance like a cat with the croup, and I may sing in the shower. But I am exactly WHO GOD MADE ME TO BE! And I was made to fit His predestined purpose for my life, so I shouldn't try to be different.

Fifth. I am here to serve for God's glory. I don't know what that looks like, how He has it arranged, and whether I will like it or not. But that is what I am about, I am His servant, and He is my loving master. So accept it.

Accepting who you are and what you are and speaking the truth out loud or in your head and heart really helps. We are made in God's image, and are valuable and precious to Him just the way we are.

Now that we have addressed the identity issue, let us continue.

Part of being a teen is growing into an adult, and hopefully a mature one.
Something that can be good to work on is relationships. Some of the most grown-up people I have seen are those that are loving and encouraging in their relationships. They are people that I want to be around, they are people that are going to get irritated over the slightest thing, they are people who are willing to walk the extra mile for someone, those are people who have worked on their relationship skills.

Something else adults do, is be realistic. They say, "How much money do I have to spend on this?", "Is this really going to benefit my future?", "Am I wasting my time when I could be doing something better?", "Is this really more important than that, do I really need to spend any time on that?", "What will benefit others beside myself?", "What can I reasonably get done in this amount of time without going into cardiac arrest(aka heart attack)?", "Is this relationship going to be good for me?"

Yeah, YIKES! They think things through, weight them, consider them, make important decisions, and then they have to experience the consequences, for better or for worse.

Help! I am only 14! Yeah, well I am only 14. And I am not telling you that you have to go on such a large scale like what life insurance to get, or what person to marry, or what career to follow. But a lot of those same questions we can apply to our less weighty problems and situations. If we learn to do it on a smaller scale, then we are more likely to succeed on a larger scale.

If all of what I have just spent a bunch of time writing is Arabic to you, this sums up what I am saying to you. Being a teen doesn't mean party time, or that you have to live like the stereotype. Being a teen means that you now turn your life from a more childish perspective, to a more grown-up one. That you start training now for your life ahead. You will not regret it.
Our world is full of immature grown-ups making childish decisions that are hurting other people's lives. I wonder if they had made different decisions as teenagers especially if they would have different results.

I bet so, and I hope and pray that we all can grow up as wise children of God who can help others in need and raise our children for His kingdom!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Hey you guys! Thanks for inviting me to join this amazing sight! You all are so awesome, and loving. I'll make sure to reach out to others too. I just wanted to ask you all to pray for me and my dance friends to have a safe weekend. We're dancing at Cider Days downtown Springfield. EVERYONE SHOULD COME! And also that my church block party goes smoothly. COME TO THAT TOO! It'll be on Walnut street. Thanks again, you guys!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jessica, How Beautiful

I came upon this AMAZING song that describes Jesus to a "T"!!! It also describes how joyful I am right now!!!

How beautiful the hands that served
the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.
How beautiful the feet that walked
the long dusty roads
and the hills to the cross.
How beautiful
how beautiful

how beautiful is the body of Christ.

How beautiful the heart that bled
that took all my sin
and bore it instead.
How beautiful the tender eyes
that chose to forgive
and never despise.
How beautiful
how beautiful

how beautiful is the body of Christ.

And as He laid down His life
we offer this sacrifice
that we will live just as he died:
willing to pay the price
willing to pay the price.

How beautiful the radient Bride
who waits for her Groom
with His light in her eyes.
How beautiful when humble hearts give
the fruit of pure lives
so that others may live.
How beautiful
how beautiful

how beautiful is the body of Christ.

How beautiful the feet that bring
the sound of good news
and the love of the King.
How beautiful the hands that serve

the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.
How beautiful
how beautiful

how beautiful is the body of Christ.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grace, The Little Things Matter

We, my siblings and I were playing kickball today. Our ages go from sixteen to four, so it is a wide range. Anyway.

It was my baby sister's turn to kick. I say baby sister, she is a very grown-up and mature four-year old, but she is the baby of the family, so she is still little to all of us. So she went there to kick and at the first throw she got so interested in watching the ball roll that she forgot to kick, and it rolled right past her. My older brother, had to stand behind her to be catcher, because, "She might be to tough for him". After going through this two times she finally kicked it. It went about 3-4 yards. But she was so excited to watch her kick roll away that she forgot to run to the base. It took her a long time to figure everything out, but she was having the time of her life.

I will tell you why, it was because me and all of my other siblings were cheering her on and encouraging her, regardless of all the mistakes she made. We sacrificed keeping the game realistic in order to make her feel welcome and loved. And she was so happy.

My youngest brother was also happy. My older brother made him feel excited by letting him be the coach for that round. He got to tell everyone which base to go to, and what to do. We encouraged him and built him up, and he was so happy! I must say that was the cutest little coach I have ever seen. ;)

I remember being three years old. I was trying to learn to write my name. My name is "Grace". It isn't horribly hard to write, but when you are three and just learning to write letters it is a challenge. Mama worked with me, and worked with me, and worked with me again and again! I remember one day where we spent most of our "school" time working on that. I had tried and tried and still hadn't gotten in right.

I was discouraged so Mama had me take a break. But when I finished dinner that night, I often finish eating before everyone else, I decided to go back to that schoolroom and try again. I wrote the name "Grace" with a purple(my favorite color back then) on a torn piece of file folder. And I did it! I was so thrilled! I showed Mama and Daddy and Galen(we were the only two back then) and they cheered for me and were so excited. I remember how proud I felt when Mama told me what a big girl I was and how smart I was.

We still have that in my memory box. I still love to write my name. I write it everywhere, on the edge of my mathbook, in the sausage grease that gets waxy in the pan, in dust on the shelf, in shaving cream, in spaghetti sauce, in the dirt on the van, in the mud, in the sand, in my paint, I write my name EVERYWHERE!

And the reason why I do, is because I was so encouraged about it when I was younger. Encouraging your parents, your younger siblings especially, your friends, and even strangers can really make their day. It is often the little things that matter, you don't have to buy them a mustang, you don't have to take them to dinner(though sometimes that's a good idea ;) you don't have to give them a gift every time you see them. Just do little things, give them a pleasant good morning, a simple compliment, a hug, make their bed, jump up to refill their water glass at the table, offer to do a little something to give them a hand.

It is worth it all girls, we only have one life to live, and often even less time to always be with some of these people, so make time matter, and do the little things!

1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Therefore, comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing."


Grace, The Cunning Count

Yes! Part 7 is out, go here to read it! In case you don't know what I am talking about, I have my own website and blog where I also try to encourage young ladies in their walk through life and with God. I have recently been writing a story series, a fairytale, where I write some of it, then I give you my readers options. You vote, and then I write what is the most popular option. Feel free to visit,

Celina, School

So I have been having trouble keeping up with school and staying focused! So I was just asking for all ya'll to pray that I would stay consontrated and work m hardest!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rebekah, Telent? God? wait a second..

Hey, Bekah here.
I have been thinking a lot "I wish I was as talented as my friends/her/him!" Or "Wow she's talented!" or I may even have gone as far as to think in my heart: "Lord why have you given me a desire for this and not the gift?"

How dare I? How dare I ever question God? Um Hello, maybe practice makes better, maybe I just need to learn and learn before I'll be as good, MAYBE (and I'm just throwing stuff out there) God has a bigger plan, or MAYBE he knows what he's doing? Hmm... DUH!

Girls, this is something I have been struggling with and I want to give a shout-out to Grace, I believer God has placed a great example of trusting him with your future in you! Wow, look at grace's "About me" and you'll know what I mean.

Thank you Lord! I think, no, I know that he knows all and is in control! AMEN! Let it be! I will admit there are way's the Lord has blessed me more than others, and how dare I think "waaah, I don't have talent!" When I have a home, GODLY parents, a safe home (!!), FOOD every day, and the word at my finger tips!

Wow, maybe this is all true.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Grace, Sweeter Love

This is a beautiful poem that I read on another blog I follow that has the same purpose as this one, to encourage young ladies in their walk with God. I strongly suggest you read it!

Lydia, About Me


Ok well I have blonde hair that I am trying to grow out and green eyes that remind me of my Scottish and Irish background. I love animals, gymnastics, reading, writing letters, singing, crocheting, riding horses, being with friends and family, being outside in God's glorious creation, taking nature photos, and fixing other peoples hair :).

I home school and I absolutely love it! I would really really like to live on a ranch when I have a home of my own. I struggle with reading my bible regularly and keeping my eyes on Jesus at all times and not getting distracted with things of the world. I can be selfish with my sister and with others and also being disrespectful with my parents, but I am working on it :).

Well I guess mine is probably the shortest, but I can't think of anything else to say except maybe this verse-

I Thessalonians 5:18

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Sometimes we can take a lot of things for granted like that when we get home you will have food on the table. I know I do. I think we should all be really thankful for all the blessings God has given us because you never know what might happen.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jessica- Me, myself and I- Yep! That's me!!

Hmm....Ok, to start out with, this will probably be a short little "bio". You can ask anyone, I'm NOT good at explaining myself so, bare with me!!

I am a twelve year old country/home schooled girl raised out in the middle of NOWHERE!!! But to say the least I LOVE IT!!

I have two older brothers and this time I will try my hardest to say something about them, positive. (Here goes Grace!) :D My eldest brother will be 20 next month!! BOO HOO!!! He is so very awesome!! He's gone through alot and has shown me lots of things through my short life!! He is very gentle and yet stern when I need it.

Nathan, my next eldest brother is 14. He is the genius of the family. I love to say in a crowd, "My brother told me that!!". :D Anyone needs a question in our family, GO TO NATE!!

I have two parents that love the Lord with all their hearts and have brought us up in the best way I've ever known! I know other parents of kids I have been buds with before that do not even know how to encourage their kids, but BOY! That's not the case in our family!!

We have lets see.....alot of chickens ( I can't remember how much!!) and two dogs. One is outside and as gullible and friendly as ever. The other one is inside and as....well probably the opposite of the outside one. :D Two cats! I like cats alot. Probably the only reason this family has them.

And now for me.....
For the most part, I find myself to be friendly, but alot of times I have wondered if I was born with red hair and my parents died it brown when I was a baby. Yes, I have a hot temper. I would like to apologize for that. :/ You can ask anyone about my size and they'll say, "Jessica? Well she's just as small as a button!!" :( Haha! My family is tall and I think it skipped me. :D

I love horses and horses and horses and horses. Infact I probably eat, sleep and drink HORSES!!! I also like writing and running through fields in the morning when the dew is still on the ground. I am creative, imaginative and sometimes can talk just a little too much.

Now for the religious side, Hmm....For a while, I had been very critical of God, I often doubted (and still do) his wonder and splendor. I am sooo pleased and blessed to say, that He has changed that. I am alot like Grace, when it comes to girls being pure. Though sadly probably not as thoughtful and understanding when I see a girl wearing a short short skirt and flimsy low cut shirt. To be honest, I'm not that thoughtful at all. On my bad side, I am sometimes judgeful. Though I try my hardest not to be. I'm now sure you guys didn't want to know that :8
I hope that every girl I meet, can find a warm-ness and Godliness by the way I act and talk. Though...of course that is like TOTALLY much easier said than done!!! And I'm sure all of you know what I'm talking about. So, I hope to make that your goal too. To be an inspiration to other teen (and adult once we get there) girls in the way we act, dress, talk....EVERYTHING!!!!!
If you have not read my own personal blog yet, I wanna share with you my all time favorite goal. It also happens to be a verse. :D

Finally, brothers (And sisters!)
whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is PURE, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, That is what you should think of.

To sum it all up....JUST KEEP ON SHININ' FOR THE LORD!!!!
Hey! That was a lot longer than I thought!! Goes to show what God'll put into your heart to share!!!
Love you all!

Grace- Myself

I am a rosy cheeked, half blonde, half brown haired Midwest girl. I love fall, sky, flowers (but not bees), Narnia, writing, reading, singing, playing violin, writing, reading, painting, crocheting, writing, reading, watching old movies where they are actually moral, writing, reading, riding horses, sewing, making pies, history, history, history,petting dogs, goats, and being a fill-in mommy for my 5 other siblings, including my older brother! ;)

It is evident that I am a sanguine, that's because I am just like my mom and she is just like me. I am home schooled, and I love it!

Some of the things I struggle with are being judgmental an critical, and I apologize to all of you if I have ever judged you! I am trying and praying for God's help and I think that He has helped me to see some stuff in a different light.

My passion is girls waiting and saving themselves for their future husband and being modest. Purity and modesty are some of the most important "girl" issues as far as I can see. So many girls get married stained and broken, with their heart rather separated and broken. And many girls try to use their bodies to gain attention that they should wait for from their husband. SAVE IT GIRLS!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!!!!!

What I want to be is a happy wife and mother, and teacher to my children. I have a heart for adventure, and I really would love to travel and see a lot of the world. How God will use those desires, or whether He uses them or not is yet to be seen, but I trust Him to guide my life. And I am thrilled to be along for the ride! Life is an adventure, live it!

Rebekah, About me..

Here gos it Celina! (yes I meant to put 'here gos it' in comparison to 'here it gos')
I am a red-headed, complex, child, and I'm just the way God want's me to be. I wish I was as funny or talented as some of my friend's and I wish I wasn't prideful. To clarify: When I say complex, what I mean is that there are a lot of thing I'm confused about. I want to become a writer yet I desire to be a photographer. Then there is my heart for young people and my wish to let God speak through me and be a good friend, a light in the dark. Last but not least, I would absolutely love, with all of my heart, to go to a theatrical college and maybe come back to the good ole' mid-west and act here. But I'm not finished! I would love, love, love, to be a woman Pastor! I just think it would be so amazing! YET, I still wouldn't mind just saving up my money and movin' to Ireland and livin' the rest of my life traveling Europe. Talk about complex!

However, my hopes and dreams are not the only way I am complex. There is a continual battle going on within me, as in all Christians. And Furthermore, I am a jealous, prideful, selfish, mean, ugly and all-together sinful person. The things I do and think are just as bad some one who murders there child. We are all capable of any sin. Think on that.

I am a child. Some of you might be thinking "duh, your only fourteen!" but what I am meaning is this: I not only am immature and childish, but I am incapable of spending/saving my money correctly as well as I am not very smart, sensible or considerate of other's feelings.

"Now hold on a second!" You might be thinking. "I thought you were supposed to be telling about yourself not saying all of the negative things!" But on the contrary, there is no positive thing's about me. The single thing about me that is positive is one thing: The fact that Christ dwells in me, and through me his name is praised!

SO I say, praise the Lord. He's want you want to be knowing about, not me anyway.


Lydia, Going to the park!

We went to a beautiful park recently. It was so lovely and relaxing there and I had a great time walking around! There is a butterfly house there, but to our dissapointment it was closed! But we still got to see lots of butterflies around all the flowers. And we got to have a picnic! :)

Celina, About Me

So I thought it would be fun to tell eachother a little bit about our selfs, I will go first.
My name is Celina (duh, ok lame start) I am a teenager who is trying her VERY hardest to live for the LORD and keep her HORRIBLE temper down. I also love to shop, as long as someone else is sppending the mondy :) I know I am a little bit selfish. I am the kinda person who can talk for HOURS on the phone when I am spposed to be doing school. Oh yes I am homeschooled so I CAN do that kinda stuff, but than I have to work supper hard to get all my school done by midnight. I have two brothers, one younger one older. I live in a big house in the country, I have to loveing parents, and a lot of loving friends that are there for me through thick and thin. I trully don't know what I would do without all the loving people in my life that gently (and sometimes not so gently:) when I need it) nudge me in the right direction. I am truly a loved person!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rebekah, Be encouraged!!

In China, they have to meet in secret. In India, you get killed if you even speak of the bible or God. Most people in Africa have not even heard of Jesus. I think Christians, as a church, often take this for granted! We live in a country where we are free, FREE!!, to praise the Lord, whenever and wherever we want.

And think, There is not very many towns where there is so many youth that have a genuine love for Jesus. I believe the other teenagers I have fellowshiped with in Bolivar (even just one or twice) I have felt that they didn't come to Wednesday night church just to hang-out, and they are genuinely respectful! That's amazing. I am so encouraged by you guys! I love you! There is no way I could make it through public school without it having a negative affect on me, if it weren't for how God blessed me with you guys! Praise the Lord!!


Grace, My Lace Curtains

I have prayed for many things, and amazingly, God has often answered my prayers.

It started a long time ago when I prayed for a baby sister. It wasn't long after my little brother was born, I was thrilled to have him! But after a while I began to feel the "only girl" thing. So I asked mom for a baby sister. She told me to ask God, and about a year later, we found out that a darling baby girl was on the way!
I remember the first night that she was home. She was the prettiest thing I had ever see, wearing an adorable pink sleeper and sleeping in our Moses basket that had soft baby colors and bows. She had her fist doubled up and smelled really sweet. Her cheeks were chubby and her hair was beautifully dark.

Then the next big thing that I got was years later. It was when my family was living in South Carolina and Easter was approaching. The previous year we had had a great big dinner with my grandparents, but this year we were going to be alone. That saddened me really bad, so I prayed that God would give us someone to spend Easter with. Well wonder of all wonders something came up and we had to return for a trip to Missouri. And we were going to arrive there the DAY BEFORE EASTER!

Next it was when we were going to come home for good, and I wanted to be home for the 4th of July and see my own fireworks in my own hometown. Mama and Daddy didn't think that we would be ready to move in time, but, amazingly, it turned out the house we were renting had to be vacated by June 30th! So, we came back to Missouri on the 30th and were present for our fireworks on July 4th.

Now to my lace curtains. I have always liked lace, there is an old fashioned grace about it and it makes everything look soft and elegant. I have always wanted lace curtains, but I never had them. Well! When we moved into our newly bought house and were getting our rooms set up I told mama that I wanted lace curtains. She said that she didn't think that we would be able to get them. So God heard about my desire next, lace curtains with a flower pattern.
A week or so later we happened to be out garage sale shopping, and what should be on the table for 50 cents but two beautifully flower patterned lace curtains!

I now do school in my room, and I am glad. Because that means that I get to look at my lace curtains, yes, I love them like I would pets.

God has revealed himself to me in a very special way by answering my prayers. Not that He answers all the way I would want Him to, but He has some.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jessica, Blog

Some of you may have seen where I have created my own blog FYI, I will still keep up w/ this one!! :D

Celina, Well bummer!

I was going to publish the last adventure of Rivkah but it wouldn't work so I will just have to use the old fashioned way and retype it all instead of copy and paste :(
The adventures Of Rivkah
#3 Oh Brother! Oh Sister

"I can't wait! I can't wait! I don't know how many times Rivkah had thought that before the week of her brother's wedding. She was SO exited she was going to be in it! Also she was going to get a new sister and a new brother! Her brother getting married meant her was becoming some one new and she couldn't wait to see that!

She was a little worried though because it seemed that there was a little bit of wanting to empress her brothers and sister and be more "mature" and "cool" when they all met, SO I was a little worried, but it was great and She didn't do bad at all. The first day (after driving sixteen hours) was relaxing. Rivkah felt like if was one of the best days. The best day however was when they all stayed up until midnight laughing until they couldn't breath, and then when one of her brothers really had a hard time breathing and was flopping around like a fish they laughed harder until their sides felt like rubber.

After two days at the beautiful mountain-side house, they had the rehearsal for the wedding. The colors were Black, gray and yellow highlights. Rivkah was wearing a black tee length dress with a grey strip on the top of the dress. The flowers were sunflowers and Rivkah thought to herself "That's beautiful! I really want to do this for my wedding. To bad I can't now" But don't worry; I'm sure our heroine will find something else to do for her wedding... if she gets married.

"before the wedding, make sure you find your 'buddy' and walk down the aisle with him." Said her dad (who turned out to be the main person speaking at the rehearsal). As he moved along conducting each person to to their "buddy" Rivkah realized her buddy wasn't here, then pointed it out:

"Ummm I don't know what my buddy will look like." She looked worried.

"Rivkah it's the only male here you will not recognize who's wearing a gray jacket." My oldest brother spoke to me as if I was a child, he likes to make fun, and she said: "Oh." Rivkah turned red as a beet and everyone laughed.

The wedding beautiful! And Rivkah and everyone had an awesome time!

(this is a true story based on the life of Rebekah Farr written be Rebekah Farr)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jessica, Poems

Here is one of my "Spare Time Poems" that my mom and I did in school last year. Some of these I submitted to the magazine before we had this blog, I'm not sure if they made it so, I'll just post it again. :p

Ya! Ya! I shouted that cool September evening,
My horse, Faith, galloped through the field so gracefully and lightly that I barely bounced on the leather saddle.
I could hear my own heartbeat as she leaped over the cool Missouri stream, wending it's way down the rocky plains.
The wind danced in my hair like ballet girls in full motion.

I was in paradise.

A curious squirrel, searching for nuts before his winters hibernation, leaped out of our path.
Hawks glided above, adorned with the spots of sunlight on their wings
The monotonous heavy breathing of Faith filled my ears as the sun slowly faded behind the silhouetted trees.
A huge beautiful moon appeared minutes later followed by diamond like stars dancing in the dusk.

I was in paradise.

I led Faith back to the stable for one more much needed rest.
I kissed her soft muzzle as sleep crept into the night air.
I was happy,
we would again continue or paradise.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lydia, Hello!

Hi everyone!

This is such a cute site Celina! The beginning of fall is such a welcome thing: Cozy nights curled up with books, pumpkin pie, the start of orchestra for some, the fresh smell of school books, and so much more! I am looking forward to colder weather. It has been very hot lately and I am ready for cool breezes. I walked out to the field with one of my friends today and we were picking flowers. There were so many bees and butterflies! But I am ready for the crunch of leaves under my feet :). Here is a poem I wrote about fall-


Leaves crunch under my feet,
I'm walking to a steady beat.
Colors crimson, orange, and gold
show off their colors there beauty untold.

Aroma's of pumpkin slowly rise,
they pass my nose and drift the sky.
Graceful trees sway and bend,
their slender branches dancing in the wind.


Hey y'all!!
I'm not really sure what to put on here, I've not exactly ever been on a blog before, so here goes!
Let's see, Last night, my Uncle Sam threw a bonfire for my cousin Isaiah's 8th birthday (Are kids suppose to grow up that fast???) It was the perfect evening for a bonfire!! Usually your really hot but this time it was chilly and everyone was crowded around the fire.
I had been taking piano lessons for about 5 1/2 to 6 years and just two weeks ago I had to stop, well, I take that back, I wanted to! But now I am taking flute lessons!! It is really fun!! And not as hard as I thought it'd be since I've taken piano and learned all the notes and scales and all that sorta stuff.
We were able to get our chickens back (they had been at my aunt and uncles) and this year is the first year we've had a rooster! I LLLOOVEEE waking up in the morning to the sound of his beautiful......SQUEEKY......crow! He, our rooster, is not fully grown and has not developed a full crow yet so it sounds like a thirteen year old boy talking! :D
Right now, I am sitting down watching my dog sitting on the floor just about to fall asleep.
It is SOOOOOOO beautiful outside!!!!
Have a great weekend!

Jessica, Hey Girls!! (And whatever boy that may read this)

Wow! This is so cool!
I am very excited about this blog! Most of you girls I know and some I don't and hopefully I can get to know all of you better!
Before I write anything, I'd like to thank my Lord Jesus for allowing me to be friends with such cool, Godly (and fun!!) Girls! He has given me an AWESOME life and two AMAZING parents!! Of course He did give me two brothers but...I can't think of anything possitive to say about them. :D
I hope that by using this and reading all your posts and coments, I can be closer to my Jesus!
Have a great weekend!


Rebekah F, My true love

Um, I wrote this song.. I hope you like it! (It's based off of my relationship with God and some of Songs of Solomon)

Verse 1
My lover is mine,
And I am his.
He calls me by my name.

He say's to me,
How beautiful you are.
Oh, how beautiful.

Would you believe me if I told you
He's the most important thing to me!
Or would you just laugh and say "young love"

Chorus 1
When I told you:
my true love has come for me,
my knight in shining armor!
My ever-blessed king.

Verse 2
My lover is radiant,
he is altogether beautiful.
He is my love and friend.

My lover is faithful,
he is jealous for me.
With him I will not fail.

Would you believe me if I told you
He's the most important thing to me!
Or would you just laugh and say "young love"

Chorus 2:
When I told you:
My bridegroom has come for me,
My savior,
My all,
My deliverer,
My hero,
My counselor,
My zero!
My knight in shining armor,
My ever blessed king!

My lover is mine,
and I am his.
He calls me by my name.


Songs of Solomon 2: 16
"My lover is mine and I am his."

Rebekah F, "How great is your faithfullness"

Ever since I was a little girl God has used me! I feel so blessed when people comment to me how I was a little "prophetess" or 'joy' in their lives when I was younger and still now! It is one of the things I praise God for most and pray he will continue to use me!

I can't even image people thinking of me as a good person because I know how truly sinful I am.

Just think: No one knows you as deep and as much as you! If you were to spend your whole life talking to some one every second, they would still never know you truly. Except Jesus! Doesn't that make you want to cry? It's amazing!

He knows every single thought we have ever had, he knows our truest desires and everything we've never told anyone before. He knows our every sin. And he loves us more than anyone! He loves us with the only true love! He is love, yet we cannot even imagine how beautiful and full his love is for us!

If some one where to ask me, what is your testimony? Or what is the thing you love about God most? Right now I would tell them I was saved when I was six, and had a true childlike love for him, but even in that I never truly knew him until this past summer.

My mother asked me if I had grown up on her recently. And I shrugged. I don't think I'm grown up. I am just proud to say that Jesus showed me how beautiful his love and faithfulness is for me, and I "brag" about his love every chance I get!

Pray that I will be a Godly woman, who flow's out God's love in every word and deed. I am begging God to use me! And trusting that he will.

Ever your sister in Christ,

John 7:38
"Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow within him."

Rebekah F, To my Girls for God

I'm so excited!! I love being able to blog on this site! It will help to keep us all in touch. Thanks so much Katie! It's really a blessing to have you all as friends I love you so much!!


(Possibly the shortest blog in the world)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Celina, Puppies!

OK so our dog just had 8 puppies!!!! They are all black except one and it is brown. I am not sure if she will have any more puppies but I hope she has one more that is all white, wouldn't that be cool? She has been in "labor" since about 4:40 this afternoon and it is 8:48pm right now and she just had her eighth! So pray that she will make it through with all the puppies and they will grow up to be happy and healthy, ready for a life filled with chewing on things :)

Celina, Welcome

Well this is the first time I have done this whole blogging thing but here goes;
Welcome to our new blog Hearts 0f Purity!! Some of my friends and I have started this as a way to keep in touch with each other and encourage each other as we grow in our Savior and BFF Jesus Christ. So to all the girls out there who are looking for some encouragement you have come to the right place! And to my friends... I hope you will keep whatever you put on here clean and pure.

Grace, September Skies

Ah! I love the month of September. Not only is my birthday in September, but it also is a month of great promise.

I am not a fan of summer, hot, dry, sweat, intense sunshine. Spiders, ticks, and snakes are all lively at this time. It is hot, the sun is to bright, ugh!

But I love fall, oh I know, technically September is still summer, but, to me it is the beginning of fall.

One of my favorite things about September is the sky. I study the skies through the eyes of hopefully a potential writer, and hobby artist.
The skies in winter are overcast and gray, not necessarily ugly, if they promise snow then they really are quite lovely in their own way. In spring they turn a soft powder blue, almost a baby blue. In summer they are just blue, but they get to be very terrible in late July to the end of August.

August, ugh! I detest the month of August. Heat, to many days, drought, nothing ever happens. It has to be the longest month of the year for me! And the sky! Oh, it is such a washed out and dusty, hazy blue it can hardly be called blue at all.

Blue, it is one of the prettiest colors in the world, and one of the most versatile. It can be a tropical blue, with greens and yellows intermixed.
It can be a dreamland blue with pinks and purples. It can be an ANGRY blue with grays and browns and fierce whites as ocean waves get tossed about.
It can be a cold, northern blue that is almost gray navy.
It can be a soft, spring blue with promise of sweet little things growing all around.
It can be a playful blue with splashes of red and green and yellow.

And it can be a September blue, which is a blue like no other. It is the bluest blue of all blue blues I have ever seen. It is just blue all the way through, it isn't like that at other times.
In October the sky gets a shade of purple added to it, a gorgeous back drop for the fall leaves.

But in the month of September, it is the truest blue I have ever seen. And it is the prettiest shade of blue ever.

My brothers tease me for this idea, but they just don't understand.

Of all skies, I love the September blue skies the best. I was born under them, so I guess it is just in my blood. I hope to live somewhere where I can see the sky at it's fullest, because I love sky. It makes you feel so wild, open, and free. Like you have breathing room, like you want to shout for joy, like you could run to the top of them mountain and back without breathing.

The sky is a wonderful thing, and it is in it's highest glory in the month of September.