Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rebekah F, "How great is your faithfullness"

Ever since I was a little girl God has used me! I feel so blessed when people comment to me how I was a little "prophetess" or 'joy' in their lives when I was younger and still now! It is one of the things I praise God for most and pray he will continue to use me!

I can't even image people thinking of me as a good person because I know how truly sinful I am.

Just think: No one knows you as deep and as much as you! If you were to spend your whole life talking to some one every second, they would still never know you truly. Except Jesus! Doesn't that make you want to cry? It's amazing!

He knows every single thought we have ever had, he knows our truest desires and everything we've never told anyone before. He knows our every sin. And he loves us more than anyone! He loves us with the only true love! He is love, yet we cannot even imagine how beautiful and full his love is for us!

If some one where to ask me, what is your testimony? Or what is the thing you love about God most? Right now I would tell them I was saved when I was six, and had a true childlike love for him, but even in that I never truly knew him until this past summer.

My mother asked me if I had grown up on her recently. And I shrugged. I don't think I'm grown up. I am just proud to say that Jesus showed me how beautiful his love and faithfulness is for me, and I "brag" about his love every chance I get!

Pray that I will be a Godly woman, who flow's out God's love in every word and deed. I am begging God to use me! And trusting that he will.

Ever your sister in Christ,

John 7:38
"Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow within him."

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