Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rebekah, Telent? God? wait a second..

Hey, Bekah here.
I have been thinking a lot "I wish I was as talented as my friends/her/him!" Or "Wow she's talented!" or I may even have gone as far as to think in my heart: "Lord why have you given me a desire for this and not the gift?"

How dare I? How dare I ever question God? Um Hello, maybe practice makes better, maybe I just need to learn and learn before I'll be as good, MAYBE (and I'm just throwing stuff out there) God has a bigger plan, or MAYBE he knows what he's doing? Hmm... DUH!

Girls, this is something I have been struggling with and I want to give a shout-out to Grace, I believer God has placed a great example of trusting him with your future in you! Wow, look at grace's "About me" and you'll know what I mean.

Thank you Lord! I think, no, I know that he knows all and is in control! AMEN! Let it be! I will admit there are way's the Lord has blessed me more than others, and how dare I think "waaah, I don't have talent!" When I have a home, GODLY parents, a safe home (!!), FOOD every day, and the word at my finger tips!

Wow, maybe this is all true.



  1. Girl, You have sooo many talents, you TRY to love the LORD that is the first step to true love! Also you are really good at chearing people up, AND you are an AMAZING actress

  2. thanks Celina! This site is so amazingly encouraging!
