Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hey y'all!!
I'm not really sure what to put on here, I've not exactly ever been on a blog before, so here goes!
Let's see, Last night, my Uncle Sam threw a bonfire for my cousin Isaiah's 8th birthday (Are kids suppose to grow up that fast???) It was the perfect evening for a bonfire!! Usually your really hot but this time it was chilly and everyone was crowded around the fire.
I had been taking piano lessons for about 5 1/2 to 6 years and just two weeks ago I had to stop, well, I take that back, I wanted to! But now I am taking flute lessons!! It is really fun!! And not as hard as I thought it'd be since I've taken piano and learned all the notes and scales and all that sorta stuff.
We were able to get our chickens back (they had been at my aunt and uncles) and this year is the first year we've had a rooster! I LLLOOVEEE waking up in the morning to the sound of his beautiful......SQUEEKY......crow! He, our rooster, is not fully grown and has not developed a full crow yet so it sounds like a thirteen year old boy talking! :D
Right now, I am sitting down watching my dog sitting on the floor just about to fall asleep.
It is SOOOOOOO beautiful outside!!!!
Have a great weekend!


  1. No! I didn't! That's cool! Do you enjoy it?

  2. Yes, September is a month of new beginnings. Many people think that that happens in the spring, but no. You just seem to wake up again in September, to notice the trees, the grass, the breeze, and the SKY!
