Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rebekah, Be encouraged!!

In China, they have to meet in secret. In India, you get killed if you even speak of the bible or God. Most people in Africa have not even heard of Jesus. I think Christians, as a church, often take this for granted! We live in a country where we are free, FREE!!, to praise the Lord, whenever and wherever we want.

And think, There is not very many towns where there is so many youth that have a genuine love for Jesus. I believe the other teenagers I have fellowshiped with in Bolivar (even just one or twice) I have felt that they didn't come to Wednesday night church just to hang-out, and they are genuinely respectful! That's amazing. I am so encouraged by you guys! I love you! There is no way I could make it through public school without it having a negative affect on me, if it weren't for how God blessed me with you guys! Praise the Lord!!


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