Thursday, September 9, 2010

Celina, About Me

So I thought it would be fun to tell eachother a little bit about our selfs, I will go first.
My name is Celina (duh, ok lame start) I am a teenager who is trying her VERY hardest to live for the LORD and keep her HORRIBLE temper down. I also love to shop, as long as someone else is sppending the mondy :) I know I am a little bit selfish. I am the kinda person who can talk for HOURS on the phone when I am spposed to be doing school. Oh yes I am homeschooled so I CAN do that kinda stuff, but than I have to work supper hard to get all my school done by midnight. I have two brothers, one younger one older. I live in a big house in the country, I have to loveing parents, and a lot of loving friends that are there for me through thick and thin. I trully don't know what I would do without all the loving people in my life that gently (and sometimes not so gently:) when I need it) nudge me in the right direction. I am truly a loved person!